Getting Started

As always, you may refer to Lab 1 if you need a reminder about how to start the Cygwin Terminal or Notepad++.

Begin by downloading Save the zip file in the H:\CS101 directory.

Start the Cygwin Terminal and run the following commands:

cd h:
cd CS101
cd CS101_Lab13

Start the Notepad++ text editor. Use it to open the files


Your Task

This lab is broken up into four parts. In each part, your task is to write a program that draws a triangle in the terminal window. You MUST draw the triangles using the two functions supplied in RightTriangle.cpp. The appearance of the triangle will change slightly in each part, so read each part carefully.

Part 0

The file RightTriangle.cpp file currently has a main function as well as two other functions named print_spaces and print_lines. Before doing Parts 1 -4, read the print_spaces and print_lines functions and determine what those functions do. Write comments above each of the functions that describes their inputs and their behavior.

Part 1

Write a program that prompts a user to input the height of a right triangle and then draws the triangle in the terminal window. Inside the main function, write the code necessary to draw the right triangle like the one shown in the example below. You MUST call the print_spaces and print_lines functions from the main function to print the space and asterisk characters to the terminal window. In part 1, DO NOT modify the print_spaces or print_lines function.

Example run (user input in **bold**):

Enter the height for your triangle: 6

When you are ready to compile the program, in the Cygwin window type the command:


To run the program, in the Cygwin window type the command


Part 2

In Part 2, you must modify the print_line function to alter the look of the triangle. Rather than drawing a solid triangle, as in Part 1, you should now draw only the left and right sides of the triangle with an empty center. An example of this triangle can be seen below. You should NOT need to modify the code that you wrote for Part 1. That is, do not modify any of the code in your main function.

Example run (user input in bold):

Enter the height for your triangle: 6
   * *
  *  *
 *   *
*    *

Part 3

For Part 3, you will again need to modify the print_line function. This time, your goal is to modify the left and right sides of the triangle so that it is printed using the ‘/’ and ‘|’ characters as shown below. As with Part 2, you need only change the print_line function. Do not change the main function.

Example run (user input in bold):

Enter the height for your triangle: 4
   / |
  /  |

Part 4

In this last part, you must draw a bottom on your triangle as shown below. To do this, you will need to add a new parameter to the print_line function. This new parameter can be used to tell the print_line function if the line to be drawn is the base of the triangle. Since there are only two different types of lines to draw (base and non-base), consider using a bool as the datatype for your new parameter. For this part, you will need to modify the print_line function (as well as its function prototype) and the main function.

Example run (user input in bold):

Enter the height for your triangle: 9
      / |
     /  |
    /   |
   /    |
  /     |
 /      |


When you are done, run the following command from the Cygwin bash shell:

make submit

You will be prompted for your Marmoset username and password, which you should have received by email. Note that your password will not appear on the screen.


You must submit your work before leaving class. If you do not submit work, you will not receive any credit for the lab.