This schedule is subject to change. Any change will be announced in class and on the course web page.

Note: CloudCoder exercises marked with a gold star () are challenging!

Week Topics, Readings CloudCoder Exercises
Week 1 (May 18–22) How to ask for help
Lecture 1: printf, scanf, int variables, Pg 11-19, 21-24
Lecture 2: More data types, expressions, Pg. 24-36
Lecture 3: More about variables and expressions, Pg. 36-39
Week1 → hello, it goes to 11, how many tacos?, What day is it?
Week1 → hamster years, F to C, Mmmm, piece of candy!, Cost of lunch
Week1 → radius of circle, divvy up the rice
Week 2 (May 25–29) Lecture 4: Conditions and decisions, Pg. 65-83
Lecture 5: If/Else If/Else Statements, Random Numbers
Week2 → Basic Double Coupon, Simple Filter, Restaurant check calculator, Bank Balance
Week2 → Triple Coupon, member discount, Complex Filter, Make change
Week 3 (June 1–5) Lecture 6: For loops, Loop recipes, Pg. 42-53
Lecture 7: While loops, Coding style, Pg. 56-63
Week3 → bananana, Eeeeeeeek! countdown, keep doubling, dice rolls, multiples
Week3 → Check Input, squares, day numbers
Week 4 (June 8–12) Lecture 8: Lecture 8: Nested loops, char data type, Pg. 53-56
Lecture 9: Arrays, Pg. 95-108
Week4 → 111222333444, which and how many?
Week4 → Array Scanner, Pair sums, Exceeded Amount, Not like the others
Week 5 (June 15–19) Lecture 10: Multidimensional arrays, Pg. 113-115
Week 6 (June 22–26) Exam 1 - June 23
Week 7 (June 29-July 3) NO CLASSES - 4th of July Break
Week 8 (July 6–10) Lecture 11: Functions, Pg. 119-126
Lecture 12: Functions that return a value, Pg. 126-137
Lecture 13: Arrays and functions, Pg. 137-152
Week8 → Print sum, Deep Thought, Find Primes
Week8 → ArraySum, IsAscending, countOdd
Week6 → SumBetween, MaxOfThree, inRange, feetToMeters, diamond
Week 9 (July 13–17) Lecture 14: Pointers, reference parameters, Pg. 235-243 Week9 → AddEmUp
Week9 → quadrant
Week 10 (July 20–24) Lecture 15: Struct types Pg. 165-171
Lecture 16: Using structs with functions, Pg. 185-190
Lecture 17: Pointers to Structures
Week10 → area of Rectangle
Week 11 (July 27–July 31) Lecture 18: Composition
Lecture 19: Arrays of Structures
Week 12 (Aug 3–Aug 7) Exam 2
Week 13 (Aug 10–Aug 14) Final exam