Getting Started

Import (File→Import...→General→Existing Projects into Workspace→Archive File). You should see a project called CS201_Lab20 in the Package Explorer.

Your Task

Implement each static method in the class called Recursion. Each method has comments describing what it should do.

When you implement a method, remove the line of code reading

throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet");

A JUnit test class called RecursionTest contains test cases for each method.

You must use recursion in each method. Do not use a loop in any of the methods.

As you think about how to implement each method, consider:


When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using either of the methods below.

From Eclipse

If you have the Simple Marmoset Uploader Plugin installed, select the project (CS201_Lab20) in the package explorer and then press the blue up arrow button in the toolbar. Enter your Marmoset username and password when prompted.

From a web browser

Save the project (CS201_Lab20) to a zip file by right-clicking it and choosing

Export...→Archive File

Upload the saved zip file to the Marmoset server as lab20. The server URL is