Getting Started

Download Import it into your Eclipse workspace (File->Import...->General->Existing projects into workspace->Archive File). You will see a project called CS320_Lab06 in the Package Explorer.

Setting up the database

Execute the SQLDemo class as a Java application.

Use create table commands to create books and authors tables. From the SQL> prompt, enter the following commands:

create table books (
    author_id integer,
    title varchar(50),
    isbn varchar(20)

create table authors (
    author_id integer primary key,
    author_lastname varchar(40),
    author_firstname varchar(40)

Next, use import commands to load data into these tables:

import books books.csv;

import authors authors.csv;

Your database is now populated with data.

The schemas of the database tables are described in the notes for Lecture 11.


Try executing some queries to retrieve the following information:

Each query should be terminated with a semicolon (;). For example, here is session showing a query to select all of the tuples in the authors table (user input in bold):

SQL> select * from authors;
author_id author_lastname author_firstname
--------- --------------- ----------------
        1     Smallfinger             F.G.
        2       Whittlbey           W.H.J.
        3          Earwig          Lettice
        4         Lightly             W.E.
        5        Tacticus           Callus
OK (5 rows(s))