Getting Started
Download Import it into your Eclipse workspace (File→Import...→General→Existing projects into workspace→Archive File). You will see a project called CS320_Lab08 in the Package Explorer.
Start by creating the test.db file that creates the initial books database. (Note that there are some minor differences in the relations, specifically the addition of an id field to the books relation.) Execute the SqliteDatabase class as a Java application: you should see the following output:
Creating tables...
Loading initial data...
You may work individually or with a small group.
In the lab skeleton you will find a program called TitleQuery which demonstrates using an ORM interface to find all books that have the title entered by the user (along with the author information).
Your task is very similar to Lab 7, except that rather than directly executing database queries/statements, you will add methods to the IDatabase interface and implement them in FakeDatabase and SqliteDatabase.
Using TitleQuery as a model, write your own programs to do the following:
- Find all books written by the author whose last name is specified. Return the books in the same form as the TitleQuery program.
- Given the full (first and last) name of an author, a title, and an ISBN, insert the book into the database. The program should add a new tuple to the authors table if the author doesn't already exist. If the author does exist already, the program should use that author's author_id. Use the SQL insert statement to insert the new tuple(s).
For the first task, add the following method to IDatabase:
public List<Pair<Author, Book>> findAuthorAndBookByAuthorLastName(String lastname);
Implement it in FakeDatabase and SqliteDatabase. Start by implementing the method in FakeDatabase (just have the method in SqliteDatabase throw an UnsupportedOperationExecption.)
For the second task, do a query to see if the author exists. If it doesn't, insert it. (Note: you will want to have the database automatically assign an author id). Then, use the author id to insert a new tuple into the books relation. Note that the entire operation should be executed as part of a single transaction.