Due: Tuesday, Sep 2nd by 11:59 PM
Regular Expressions
For each language below, create a regular expression that generates all of the strings in the language, and does not generate any strings not in the language.
In the language descriptions below, ε (epsilon) denotes the empty string.
Language 1
Create a regular expression that generates the language of all strings over the alphabet {a, b, c} of the form:
a ac acab acabab acababab acabababab etc...
In other words, an a, optionally followed by c, optionally followed by 1 or more occurrences of ab.
Note that the empty string is not in this language.
Language 2
Create a regular expression that generates the language over the alphabet {a, b} of all strings in which each b is preceded by at least one a.
Examples of strings in the language:
ε a aaaa ab aba abaabaaaab
Examples of strings not in the language:
b abb bba
Language 3
Create a regular expression that generates the language over the alphabet {a, b} of all strings containing an even number of bs.
Examples of strings in the language:
ε a aa aaa abba bb bab abbaa aababbb
Examples of strings not in the language:
b abbb babab abbbabab bbaaba
Hint: make sure that your regular expression generates bs in pairs.
Language 4
Create a regular expression that generates the language over the alphabet {a, b, c} of all strings in which a b is never followed by a c.
Examples of strings in the language:
ε ab abba abac cab cba bac aac c
Examples of strings not in the language:
bc abc bca aabcab
This one will be fairly challenging!
The key is to construct the regular expression to grow the generated string in a way that,
- it never adds a chunk that contains bc (obviously)
- if the current string ends in b, it never adds a chunk that begins with c
Language 5
Create a regular expression that generates the language over the alphabet {a, b} of all strings in which
n mod 3 = 2
where n is the length of the string. In other words, all strings in the language have a length of 2, or 5, or 8, or 11, etc.
Examples of strings in the language:
ab bb baabb aaaaa abbbbbba
Examples of strings not in the language:
ε a abb baaa babbba
Hint: generate two initial letters, and expand the string by appending chunks of length 3.
You should test your regular expressions to ensure that:
- They generate all of the strings in the language
- They do not generate any strings not in the language
You can use the regexChecker.jar from Lab 1 to test your regular expressions.
Submit your regular expression in a plain text file to Marmoset as assign01:
Use a text editor such as Notepad++ to create the plain text file.
Do not submit a Word document, PDF, RTF, etc.