Your Task
Using JFLAP, create Turing Machines to perform the tasks described below.
First Task
Create a Turing Machine that increments a binary number.
The initial tape will be a sequence of ones and zeroes specifying a binary (base 2) number. The final contents of the tape should be a sequence of ones and zeros specifying a binary number that is one greater than the original number.
For example, if the initial sequence is
Then the final sequence (once the Turing Machine has halted) should be
Another example, if the initial sequence is
then the final sequence should be
The Turing Machine should start by moving to the end of the input string, then start moving to the left.
If the Turing Machine sees a 0 on its scan to the left, it can change it to a 1 and halt. If it sees a 1, it should change the 1 to a zero and continue to the left (essentially carrying the result of adding 1 to 1 one place to the left.)
Don't forget that the result can overflow past the left side of the string (as in the second example above.)
Second Task
Create a Turing Machine which decrements (subtracts one from) the binary number on the input tape.
The process will be similar to incrementing.
For example, if the initial string is
then the final string should be
Another example: if the initial string is
then the final string should be
(If you would like to trim unnecesssary 0's from the left side of the string, you can, but it's not required.)