Example code: mandelbrot.hs, better-complex.hs

Really, really excellent Haskell Tutorial: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good by Miran Lipovača (this is also available as a book)


A pure, lazy, statically-typed functional language.

Pure: there are no side effects (such as assignments to variables).

Lazy: results of expressions are not computed until they are needed. Note that ubiquitous lazy evaluation would be dangerous in a language with side effects, but without side effects it is always safe because the values of variables never change.

Statically-typed: the types of all values and functions are determined at compile time. Haskell supports a very powerful system of type inference, which means that types can often be determined automatically without explicit annotation from the programmer.

Data types and functions

Haskell has the usual built-in data types that we would expect to see in a functional language: numbers, tuples, and lists.

Tuples — fixed-length sequences of values — are used for user-defined data types. Because Haskell is statically-typed, each element of a tuple can be defined as having a specific type.

A type declaration can be used to give a name to a tuple with particular combination of types.

Functions are the essential building blocks of programs in a functional programming language. Haskell functions are much like the functions we have seen in the other functional programming langauges (such as Scala, Erlang, and Clojure).

Example: Complex Numbers

type Complex = (Double, Double)

cmake :: Double -> Double -> Complex cmake r i = (r, i)

creal :: Complex -> Double creal (r, i) = r

cimag :: Complex -> Double cimag (r, i) = i

cadd :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex cadd (a, b) (c, d) = (a+c, b+d)

cmul :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex cmul (a, b) (c, d) = (ac - bd, bc + ad)

cmag :: Complex -> Double cmag (r, i) = sqrt (rr + ii)

The type declaration declares the type Complex as being another name for a tuple with two Double values.

Functions in Haskell are declared as follows:

functionName parameters = body

Since Haskell is a functional language, the body is always an expression which computes a value.

Functions may optionally be preceeded by an explicit type declaration. It has the form:

functionName :: functionType

The function type describes the types of the function's parameters and return type. The arrow (->) describes a function by decribing its input and output types. Functions with multiple parameters are actually modeled by a series of functions: more on this later.

Note that the functions that operate on complex numbers are specified as taking a tuple consisting of two values. For example:

cmag (r, i) = sqrt (rr + ii)

The cmag function takes a single parameter, which is a tuple consisting of values r and i. So, we can specify function parameters as a pattern, in much the same way as in Prolog and Erlang.

Example: Mandelbrot set

We can decide whether or not a complex number C is in the Mandelbrot set by iterating the equation

Z = Z2 + C

where Z is initially 0 + 0i. We stop when either the magnitude of Z reaches 2, or the number of iterations reaches a predetermined threshold. If the iteration count reaches the threshold, the complex number is assumed to be in the set.

Here is a citer function which computes an iteration count for a specified complex number:

citer :: Complex -> Int
citer c = citer_work c (0, 0) 0

citer_work :: Complex -> Complex -> Int -> Int citer_work c z count = if ((count >= 1000) || (cmag z) >= 2.0) then count else citer_work c (cadd c (cmul z z)) (count + 1)

Note that we have defined a tail-recursive helper function called citer_work to do the actual computation. As with Erlang, tail recursion is the fundamental way to implement iteration in Haskell without causing unbounded growth of the activation record stack.

The Row type describes a row of complex numbers sharing a common imaginary value (y), and being evenly spaced starting at a given real value (xmin) and separated by a given value (dx):

-- rownum, y, xmin, dx, numcols
type Row = (Int, Double, Double, Double, Int)

Note that -- introduces a comment, which continues to the end of the line.

Note that pattern matching is the only general-purpose way to access the values in a tuple. If we want a convenient way to extract information from a Row value, we will need accessor functions. These can be defined as follows:

row_rownum :: Row -> Int
row_rownum row =
    let (rownum, , , , ) = row
      in rownum

row_y :: Row -> Double row_y row = let (, y, , , ) = row in y

row_xmin :: Row -> Double row_xmin row = let (, , xmin, , ) = row in xmin

row_dx :: Row -> Double row_dx row = let (, , , dx, ) = row in dx

row_numcols :: Row -> Int row_numcols row = let (, , , , numcols) = row in numcols

As with Prolog, Erlang, and Clojure, an underscore can be used to indicate a variable whose value will not be used.

[Note that there is an easier way to define accessors, as we will see later.]

The RowResult type is a list of iteration counts for a given row (identified by its row number):

-- rownum, list of iteration counts
type RowResult = (Int, [Int])

Note that the syntax


means a list of values of the specified type.

The compute_row function takes a Row, calls citer for each complex number specified by the row, and returns a RowResult containing the computed iteration counts:

compute_row :: Row -> RowResult
compute_row row = compute_row_work row ((row_numcols row) - 1) []

compute_row_work :: Row -> Int -> [Int] -> RowResult compute_row_work row i accum = if (i < 0) then let rownum = (row_rownum row) in (rownum, accum) else let c = cmake ((row_xmin row) + ((fromIntegral i) * (row_dx row))) (row_y row) in compute_row_work row (i - 1) ((citer c) : accum)

Again, a tail-recursive helper function is used to do the actual computation. Node that the iteration counts are computed backwards, since a tail-recursive computation to build a list will generate the list in reverse order.

The syntax

value : list

performs the Haskell version of the cons operation: prepending a value onto a list.

Note that Int values must be converted using the fromIntegral function before they can be combined with Double values in an operation.

The let construct in Haskell assigns values to local variables: it is very similar to let in Clojure.

Finally, we can compute iteration counts for evenly-spaced points in a rectangular region of the complex plane with the compute function:

Testing in ghci, the interactive Haskell interpreter (note: output formatted for clarity):

Note that because Haskell does not use commas to separate function parameters, we must parenthesize negative values. Otherwise, arguments such as

2 -2

would be interpreted as a single value (2 - 2).

Better record types

Since records are used frequently, Haskell offers a way to automatically generate constructors and accessors for record types. Here is a better way to define a complex number type:

data Complex = Complex { real :: Double,
                         imag :: Double } deriving Show

Note that deriving Show allows Complex values to be displayed automatically (for example, when evaluating expressions interactively in the interpreter).

This syntax gives us a better way of constructing Complex values, and also defines accessor functions real and imag for accessing the real and imaginary components of a complex number:

Note that the constructor syntax allows the values to be specified in any order, as long as all of the required values are specified.

Defining an operation:

cadd :: Complex -> Complex -> Complex
cadd l r = Complex { real=(real l) + (real r), imag=(imag l) + (imag r) }

Partial Evaluation, Currying, and Composition

Recall that the type of a function can be expressed with the syntax

inputType -> outputType

and that functions with multiple parameters have types that are expressed with a chain of arrows (->). This is because a function with multiple parameters can be partially evaluated. This is what it sounds like: a function passes fewer arguments than parameters, and the result is a function that expects the remaining parameters.

Simple example:

Prelude> let addtwo left right = left + right
Prelude> addtwo 1 2
Prelude> let addone = (addtwo 1)
Prelude> addone 4

Here, we define addtwo as a function taking two parameters, left and right, and returning their sum. When applied to two arguments (1 and 2), we get the expected result (3).

The interesting part is the addone function: it is created by applying addtwo to a single argument, 1. This effectively binds the argument (1) to addtwo's first parameter (left), while leaving its second parameter (right) unbound. The result is a function that takes a single parameter (right) and returns the sum 1 + right. When applied to the argument 4, this yields the result 5.

The idea that a function of multiple parameters can be built from a series of functions of a single parameter is called currying. (This term is in honor of the logician Haskell Curry, for whom the Haskell language is also named.)

Composition is the counterpart to partial evaluation: it is the idea that functions of a single parameter can be combined to create a function with multiple parameters.

Simple example:

*Main> let add1 = (+1)
*Main> let mult2 = (*2)
*Main> let add1AndMult2 = (mult2 . add1)
*Main> add1AndMult2 4

Note that (+1) and (*2) are partial applications of the + and * operators, respectively.

The dot (.) operator composes two functions. The expression (mult2 . add1) yields a function which invokes add1 on its argument and then invokes mult2 on the result of calling add1.

Partial evaluation and composition are powerful ways to build new functions out of existing functions.

There is much, much more

Obviously, there is far more to learn about Haskell. The book covers some additional topics (list processing, lazy evalaution, monads, etc.) Learn You a Haskell for Great Good is also a great resource for learning about Haskell.

Interesting software written in Haskell

Some important software has been written in Haskell: