Due: Friday, Feb 27st in class Late assignments will be penalized 20\% per day.

Book Questions from Introduction to Algorithms - 3rd ed.

7.2-2, 7.2-3

8.1-4, 8.3-4

Linear sort implementation


7.2-2 - For an array with equal elements, consider how the array is sorted.

7.2-3 - For an array in decreasing order, consider which element is selected as the pivot element during each recursive call and where it is placed once PARTITION() completes. Argue that this behavior produces O(n\ :sup:2) runtime.

8.1-4 - (I like these n/k hybrid algorithms) Use an argument similar to the original Θ(n lg n) one in Theorem 8.1 and show that




8.3-4 - Consider the representation of the integers in a radix other than 10.


A skeleton project is provided in CS360_Sorter_Count.zip. The zip file contains both a Visual Studio 2013 project and a Linux/OSX makefile to compile the code. Sorter.cpp contains both utility functions as well as empty sort function stubs - you should not need to modify main() or any of the utility functions.

Your Task

Implement the algorithms as given in the pseudocode below for heapsort and quicksort. Insert counter increment statements (note: a count global variable is provided), into each sorting function for each executable line of pseudocode (e.g. count all three lines required to implement a swap as a single operation). Use this counter to empirically measure the runtime of each sort. Only increment the counter for statements within the sorting functions, i.e. do not include any initialization overhead incurred in main() or the utility functions. Note that count is reset prior to each sort call but the results are stored in a 2D array counter which is used to display a table of all results once all the sorts and runs have completed.

Generate runs for 13 input sizes using increasing powers of 2 from 24 = 16 to 216 = 65536.

The #define NUM_AVG sets the number of data sets of each size to generate in order to compute an average runtime for each size. This value should be set to a reasonable number, e.g. 10, to give a good approximation of the average runtime of each sort. Note that the larger the value that is chosen, the longer the program will take to run.

You should generate tables for two different input ranges

Once the data for all input sizes and element ranges have been generated, make meaningful plots (e.g. using Excel) of the data showing important characteristics. In particular:

Counting Sort

1  let C[0..k] be a new array
2  for i = 0 to k
3     C[i] = 0
4  for j = 1 to A.length
5     C[A[j]] = C[A[j]] + 1
6  // C[i] now contains the number of elements equal to i
7  for i = 1 to k
8     C[i] = C[i] + C[i-1]
9  // C[i] now contains the number of elements less than or equal to i
10 for j = A.length downto 1
11    B[C[A[j]]] = A[j]
12    C[A[j]] = C[A[j]] - 1