Getting Started

Download Extract the contents of the archive into a directory.

Using a Unix shell, use the cd command to navigate into the directory containing the extracted contents.

Using a text editor, open the files mtqueue.h and mtqueue.c.

When you run the make command, the mtqueue_test program will be compiled. To run it:

Your Task

Complete the implementation of the MTQueue data type defined in mtqueue.h and mtqueue.c.

The MTQueue data type is an unbounded thread-safe queue. The queue items are represented using the void * type, meaning that they are pointers to any type of data. Items are added to the queue using the mtqueue_enqueue function, and removed from the queue with the mtqueue_dequeue function.

If mtqueue_dequeue is called when the queue is empty, it should block the calling thread until the queue is non-empty.

The mtqueue_wait_until_empty function causes the calling thread to wait until the queue is empty.


Use a singly-linked list to keep track of the items that have been added to the queue. Nodes should be added to the tail of the list, and removed from the head of the list. (This allows both enqueue and dequeue operations to be done in constant time.)

Don’t forget to use free to de-allocate a node’s memory when it is removed from the list.

You will need to add a mutex and condition variable(s) as fields of the MTQueue type.


The mtqueue_test program creates one producer threads and two consumer threads. The producer produces items at a rate of 10 per second. The two consumers consume items at a rate of 2 per second (each). Thus, the queue will grow. When the producer has produced 26 items, it will call mtqueue_wait_until_empty to wait until the queue is empty. The simulation finishes when the producer thread exits.