Expectations for Weekly Demos

Here are what we would like to see from you for the weekly (Monday) demos.

Journal entries (individual)

Each team member should have an issue in the group's issue tracker. Each week, each team member should add at least one comment to this issue to document his or her work for the week. The entries should contain information about:

Please format your entry as a bulleted list.

You can create a link to a commit by pasting the first 8 (or so) hex digits of its hash code.

Your journal entries should be complete by midnight on Sunday (so we can use Monday morning to read your entries.)

Demo (team)

In your team's weekly demo, you have about 5 minutes to convince us that your team made a reasonable amount of progress for the week.

Here are some of the ways you can demonstrate progress:


For each weekly demo, your team will received one of the following evaluations: