This is a Team assignment.

Your Task

Your task is to demonstrate a minimal working version of your system.

By "minimal", we mean that

For example, let's say you're developing a 3-D game which eventually will support a full 3-D environment with walls, obstacles, monsters, etc. A minimal working system might just implement a flat plane with a few static cubes as obstacles, allow the player to move around, but not implement features such as collision detection, enemy AI, etc.

Extremely important: whatever functionality you demonstrate should be implemented in your core object model classes. We do not want to see a hacked-together "prototype" that looks good but internally is spaghetti.

The Demonstration

Your group should plan to present for 8 minutes. Your presentation should include the following elements:

Please do a dry run before class. Because of the limited amount of time we have in class, we can't wait for your group to troubleshoot.


Your grade will be determined as follows: