As part of your team project, your group will give a presentation of no more than 10 minutes.

Please rehearse your presentation!

Here is a suggested structure for your presentation, with approximate times to spend on each part:

1. Background: (1 minute) What problem were you trying to solve? Discuss the system requirements.

2. Design: (1 minutes) Talk briefly about your system design. Show a diagram of the system (e.g., mobile client, web service) which illustrates how the components of the system communicate.

3. Implementation: (1 minutes) What were the most interesting things you learned when you implemented the system? If you used any interesting programming techniques, this is a good opportunity to discuss them.

4. Demonstration: (7 minutes) Show your system working. Demonstrate the most important/interesting features.

Your presentation should include no more than 3 slides.

All of the members of your group must participate in the presentation.

You can either present using your own laptop, or you can use the instructor PC at the front of the room. If you use the instructor PC, make sure it has the software needed to run your project. See us if you need software installed.

Make sure that your presentation AND DEMO is ready to go immediately when it is your group's turn.