
Student tutors will be available both in class (during lab activities) and in evening drop-in sessions.

Tutoring is available Monday-Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm in KEC119. Please be sure to sign-in if you attend a tutoring session so we can track how many students are using the tutors.

Asking Questions

The tutors’ job is to help students in the course learn the material. Please do take advantage of the tutoring when you need help, but always be aware that it is your responsibility to have done all relevant readings, labs, and CloudCoder exercises before you ask the tutors for assistance. Be sure to read the How to ask for help document.

When you ask for help with code

Before the tutors will help you with your code, they will ask to see your design and strategy work. If your design and strategy aren’t right, then there’s no way your code will work. Make sure you have your design and strategy documented (either on paper or in an electronic document) and available for the tutor to review.

If there are problems with your design or strategy, the tutors will help you fix them.

Once you have demonstrated that you have a viable design and strategy for the problem you’re working on, the tutors will be glad to help you with your code.