This semester in CS 101 we are making a small change to the course and collecting data to evaluate its effect. This change will not alter the topics covered in the course, and the assignments, labs, and other activities will be substantially the same as the previous offering of the course.

The goal of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the instructional techniques we use in CS 101, in order to provide students the best instruction and chance of success in the course.

The following list explains what you should know about the study.

  1. The study will involve analyzing data collected from exams, assignments, labs, exercises, and other academic work submitted by students in the course.
  2. Data from a programming experience survey will also be used in the study.
  3. None of the data will be analyzed until after the course is over and final grades have been submitted.
  4. All of the data will be anonymized (stripped of information identifying specific students) before it is analyzed for the study.
  5. When the results of the study are published, no information about the identities of students will be revealed.
  6. Participation in the study is voluntary. You may opt out of having your data used in the study using the following web form: link to opt-out form. Information about which students have opted out will be held until after the course had ended, and will not be revealed to us in any case.