Due: Monday, Sept 19th by 11:59 PM

Acknowledgment: The idea for this assignment comes from Tom Ellman at Vassar College.

CS 201 - Assignment 2

Getting Started

Downlaod CS201_Assign02.zip. Import it into your Eclipse workspace (File→Import→General→Existing Projects into Workspace→Archive File.)

You should see a project called CS201_Assign02 in the Package Explorer.

Your Task

Your task is to complete the implementation of the Disk class. (In the next assignment, you will use your Disk class to implement a game that will use this class.)

An instance of the Disk class represents one of the disks placed on the game board. Each Disk object should store the x and y coordinates of the disk’s center, a radius, and a color (represented as member of the DiskColor enumeration). You should add fields to the class for each of these 4 properties.

You must implement 7 methods:

Each method is described by a comment which explains, in detail, how the method should work.

A JUnit test class called DiskTest is provided. Make sure that all of the tests pass before you submit the completed assignment.


The formula for computing the distance between two points is

distance formula

You can compute the square root of a double value using the Math.sqrt method.


Export your finished program to a zip file (right-click on the project, then Export…→Archive File). Upload the zip file to the marmoset server as project assign02. The server URL is


IMPORTANT: after uploading, you should download a copy of your submission and double-check it to make sure that it contains the correct files. You are responsible for making sure your submission is correct. You may receive a grade of 0 for an incorrectly submitted assignment.