Due: Monday, Sept 18th by 11:59 PM
Acknowledgment: The idea for this assignment comes from Tom Ellman at Vassar College.
CS 201 - Assignment 2
Getting Started
Downlaod CS201_Assign02.zip. Import it into your Eclipse workspace (File→Import→General→Existing Projects into Workspace→Archive File.)
You should see a project called CS201_Assign02 in the Package Explorer.
Your Task
Your task is to complete the implementation of the Disk class. (In the next assignment, you will use your Disk class to implement a game that will use this class.)
An instance of the Disk class represents one of the disks placed on the game board. Each Disk object should store the x and y coordinates of the disk’s center, a radius, and a color (represented as member of the DiskColor enumeration). You should add fields to the class for each of these 4 properties.
You must implement 7 methods:
- A constructor which initializes the fields of a newly-created Disk object using values specified by parameter values
- A getX method which returns the Disk object’s center x coordinate value
- A getY method which returns the Disk object’s center y coordinate value
- A getRadius which returns the Disk object’s radius value
- A getColor method which returns the Disk object’s color
- An overlaps method which determines whether or not the Disk object overlaps another Disk object passed as a parameter
- An isOutOfBounds method which determines whether or not the Disk object partly or completely lies outside the bounds of the rectangular game board
Each method is described by a comment which explains, in detail, how the method should work.
A JUnit test class called DiskTest is provided. Make sure that all of the tests pass before you submit the completed assignment.
The formula for computing the distance between two points is
You can compute the square root of a double value using the Math.sqrt method.
When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using one of the methods below.
From Eclipse
If you have the Simple Marmoset Uploader Plugin installed, select the project (CS201_Assign02) in the package explorer and then press the blue up arrow button in the toolbar. Enter your Marmoset username and password when prompted. Make sure your choose assign02 as the inbox:
This is the recommended way to submit your work.
From a web browser
Save the project (CS201_Assign02) to a zip file by right-clicking it and choosing
Export…→Archive File
Upload the saved zip file to the Marmoset server as assign02. The server URL is
Use this method only if there is some reason why you can’t use the plugin.