For this lab you will implement a class that represents a pocketful of change.

Getting Started

Download (Save it somewhere you can easily find it again: for example, on the Desktop.)

Start Eclipse. Choose File→Import…→General→Existing Projects Into Workspace. Choose Select archive file. Choose from wherever you saved it earlier. Choose Finish.

You should now see the CS201_Lab02 project in the Package Explorer window.

Implementing the Coins class

Implement the class called Coins, which is in the file called This file can be found by expanding the CS201_Lab02 project, then the src folder, and then the edu.ycp.cs201.coins package. Double click on the file to open it in an editor window.

The class should have fields (member variables) for each coin type listed below:

pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters

The class should provide the following methods:

  1. A zero-parameter constructor that initializes the new object so that there are 0 pennies, 0 nickels, 0 dimes, and 0 quarters.

  2. A 4-parameter constructor that takes the numbers of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters (in that order), and initializes the respective fields.

  3. findCentsValue calculates and returns the total value of the coins in cents, as an integer.

  4. findDollars calculates and returns the value in dollars, as an integer. Any fractional part of a dollar should be discarded: for example, if the coins total $1.37, then this method should return the value 1.

  5. findChange calculates and returns the value of the leftover change (after the dollars are removed) as an integer. For example, if the coins total $1.37, then this method should return the value 37.


Right-click on in the package explorer, and choose Run As…→JUnit Test. This will run the JUnit tests for the Coins class. If you have correctly implemented the Coins class, you will see a green bar, indicating that all tests have succeeded.


When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using either of the methods below.

From Eclipse

If you have the Simple Marmoset Uploader Plugin installed, then right click on the project (CS201_Lab02) and choose Submit project…. Enter your Marmoset username and password when prompted.

From a web browser

Save the project (CS201_Lab02) to a zip file by right-clicking it and choosing

Export…→Archive File

Upload the saved zip file to the Marmoset server as lab2. The server URL is