Getting Started

For our last week in CS201, we’re going to “borrow” labs from the CS320 SW Engineering Course. If you are taking SW Engineering this coming Spring, you’ll be getting a head start on the assignments in CS320.

Download and Import them into your Eclipse workspace
(File->Import…->General->Existing projects into workspace->Archive File). You will see projects called CS201_Derby and CS201_Lab23 in the Package Explorer. You will be running the SQLDemo class in the CS201_Lab23 project.

Setting up the database

Execute the SQLDemo class as a Java application.

Use create table commands to create books and authors tables. From the SQL> prompt, enter the following commands:

create table books (
    book_id int
        primary key generated always as identity (start with 1, increment by 1),
    author_id int,
    title varchar(50),
    isbn varchar(20)

create table authors (
    author_id int
        primary key generated always as identity (start with 1, increment by 1),
    author_lastname varchar(40),
    author_firstname varchar(40)

Next, use import commands to load data into these tables:

import books books.csv;

import authors authors.csv;

Your database is now populated with data.

Now, use the alter table command to establish author_id as a foreign key in the books table. Enter the following command:

alter table books
    add foreign key (author_id)
    references authors (author_id);

The schemas of the database tables are described in the notes for Lecture 24.


Try executing some queries to retrieve the following information:

Each query should be terminated with a semicolon (;). For example, here is session showing a query to select all of the tuples in the authors table (user input in bold):

SQL> select * from authors;
--------- --------------- ----------------
        1     Smallfinger             F.G.
        2       Whittlbey           W.H.J.
        3          Earwig          Lettice
        4         Lightly             W.E.
        5        Tacticus           Callus
OK (5 rows(s))

Here is a great tutorial side for learning SQL

What to submit

Create a text file containing, for each query listed above:

You can cut and paste these from the console window as shown above.

Save your queries and outputs in a plain text file and upload the text file to Marmoset as lab23.