Asking Questions
The tutors’ job is to help students in the course learn the material. Please do take advantage of the tutoring when you need help, but always be aware that it is your responsibility to have done all relevant readings, labs, and CloudCoder exercises before you ask the tutors for assistance. Be sure to read the How to ask for help document.
Evening Sessions (Monday through Thursday, 6:30pm to 9:00pm)
Drop-in tutoring sessions will be held Monday through Thursday from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. These sessions are a great way to get help with labs, assignments, or anything else you have questions about.
Please refer to the Canvas course page for Zoom links to the tutoring sessions.
Important: Be aware that the evening sessions can be very busy close to an assignment deadline. Your best bet is to start assignments early and ask questions early to avoid the rush.
Please see How to ask for help for some advice on how to ask good questions (ones that lead to learning.)