This is a team assignment
Your Task
Your task is to write use cases which document the requirements for the system your team will implement.
Use cases
A use case describes a scenario in which one or more actors (agents external to the system) use the system to accomplish a goal. One of the actors involved in the use case must be an initiator of the use case.
Each use case should have a name. The name should indicate which actor is the initiator of the use case, and what goal is accomplished. For example, in the TicTacToe system, we might have a use case called “Player takes a turn.”
The use case should list a sequence of steps which accomplish the goal. If there are important options that might be encountered, such as error conditions, these can be listed in “nested” steps.
So, our “Player takes a turn” use case for TicTacToe might look like this:
Player takes a turn
Actor: a human player
0. Precondition: it is the player’s turn
1. The player chooses a location on the board in which to place a piece
2. System checks to see if the player has won the game, or if a draw has resulted
1a. If the location is already occupied by a piece, display error message and go back to step 1
2a. If a player has won, indicate which player
2b. If a draw has occurred, inform players
Note that TicTacToe is a pretty simple example: for a more complex problem, a use case might be be more involved.
You should write as many use cases as necessary to document the important behaviors of your system, as experienced by the relevant actors.
Use the example format given in the Use Case lecture for the Use Cases you provide for this submission.
Submitting your work
Create a Google Doc for your group’s Use Case document, and name it assign05-www-xxx-yyy-zzz, substituting the YCP User names of your project team members. Place the Use Case document under your shared Google Drive Group Project folder.