CS 320: Assignment 9: Individual Project Deliverables
Due: Friday, May 5th by 11:59 PM
This is an individual project
Individual Project Deliverables
There are two deliverables for your individual project (which you proposed in Assignment 2).
Submit a short (2-3 page) report describing what you learned from the experience of working on the project. Some things you should address include:
- What was the most frustrating aspect of the project?
- What was the most satisfying aspect of the project?
- What did you learn that you could apply to future projects?
- What grade do you think you deserve for the project, based on how much effort you put into it, how much you learned, and how much you accomplished?
Submit the code you developed for the project.
Submit the report to Marmoset as assign09report. Use only PDF format: do not upload a Microsoft Word or rich text document.
Your report must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions in any other format may receive a grade of 0.
Submit the code in a zip file to Marmoset as assign09code. (Please submit a zip file: not a RAR file or any other archive format.)