Determining the JRE System Library

These instructions are for Eclipse Mars (which is installed on the PCs in KEC 119 and KEC 123). The instructions will be similar for Luna and Neon - but might have some slight differences.

There is a conflict with the default JRE System Library version (jre1.8.0_111) that was installed with Eclipse on the lab PCs, and CS320_Lab02. You will probably need to change the default JRE System Library version to an earlier version in order to get CS320_Lab02 to work.

In KEC 119, there are two versions of the JRE System Library: 1.8.0_51 and 1.8.0_111. You will need to select 1.8.0_51 in KEC 119 for CS320_Lab02 to work properly.

Changing the JRE System Library

On the other hand, if the JRE System Library is jre1.8.0_111, you will need to switch to a compatible library.

Go to C:/Program Files/Java and look for a JDK folder labelled jdk1.8.0_xx, where ‘xx’ is < 90. Hopefully, you have one of those installed in the Java folder. For the lab PCs, there are up to three: jdk1.8.0_51, jdk1.8.0_60, and jre1.8.0_111. If one of the compatible versions is present, then do the following:

Installing a new JDK from Oracle

If you do not find an acceptable JDK installed on your computer, you’ll have to install one from this location:

Oracle Java SE 8 Downloads

Create a free Oracle account and then download and install the appropriate version for your Eclipse/java installation - the 64-bit version will show up in C:/Program Files/Java, and then you can select it as described above.

Other Issues

There are some other issues that have been popping up with CS320_Lab02.