Your Task
This lab builds upon the AddNumbers and GuessingGame examples from CS320_Lab02. It will “force” you to investigate, explore, and learn the structure of a WebApp, from the server (main()), through Web.xml, the servlets, the controllers, the model, and the JSPs, as well as how to refactor an entire project space. You will need to have this kind of familiarity with the WebApp architecture in order to get started on your team project, as well as to be able to make significant technical contributions to any and all aspects of your team project.
NOTE: This lab will require a significant effort, and you should start on it as soon as possible.
You have six tasks:
First, make a copy of the CS320_Lab02 project, and then refactor the copy so that it no longer refers to Lab02, but instead, refers to your YCP user name. Your project name will be CS320_username. After you refactor the project name, you will also need to refactor the package names, change the locations specified in Web.xml and the JSP’s, as well as the context folder specified in main(). Verify that both of the AddNumbers and GuessingGame WebApps still work - you will no longer be able to use the URL links included on the CS320_Lab02 page, you will need modify those URLs to replace lab02 with your username. You should save those new URLs as bookmarks in your browser.
Add a third number to the AddNumbers example, such that a third number field shows up on the AddNumbers web page, and the returned result is the sum of all three numbers. Your code should check for the same errors as the existing AddNumbers example does. This problem will require changes to the AddNumbers servlet, controller, and JSP.
Create a new WebApp based on the AddNumbers example, called MultiplyNumbers. This WebApp should accept two numbers from the user and return the product of those numbers. It should check for all of the same errors that the existing AddNumbers example does. This problem will require changes to Web.xml, and the controller (modify the existing AddNumbersController and rename it NumbersController, rather than creating a new controller). You will also need to create a new MultiplyNumbers servlet and new MultiplyNumbers JSP file, both of which can be based off the AddNumbers versions of those files.
After you have modified AddNumbers and created MultiplyNumbers and have them both completely working, modify the existing Index JSP file so that you can access all three of the servlets (AddNumbers, MultiplyNumbers, and GuessingGame) from the Index page. Implement this is a collection of three “submit” buttons, each labelled with one of the three functions. Each button will result in IndexServlet issuing a doGet to the appropriate JSP.
After all of the above are working, create a common model class ( for AddNumbers and MultiplyNumbers, such that the numbers submitted through the HTTP request are stored in the model, along with the result. You will need get and set accessor methods for all model fields, along with a constructor for the model class. Look at the model for the GuessingGame WebApp as a template - and how that model is instantiated, initialized, and accessed. The corresponding JSP’s should pull the data directly from the Numbers model, rather than from the HTTP request. Again you can look at the GuessingGame implementation to see how this is done.
As part of this exercise, you should also implement a complete set of test cases for the controller and model classes. You should be implementing those test cases as you develop each of the above tasks. A significant portion of the effort on your team project will be creating an extensive and comprehensive set of JUnit test cases - WHILE YOU ARE DEVELOPING YOUR TEAM PROJECT.
NOTE: I HIGHLY recommend that you save your work after each step. Archive the project at each stage, and submit it to Marmoset. That will provide a back-up in case you lose your work, or if you need to revert to a previous version of your work. In a few weeks, we will cover version control, and you will set up your own “Git” accounts and repositories. For the time being, Marmoset can serve as your version archive.
When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using the method below.
From a web browser
Save your project (CS320_username) to a zip file by right-clicking it and choosing
Export…→Archive File
Upload the saved zip file to the Marmoset server as lab02a. The server URL is