Getting Started
Download and Import them into your Eclipse workspace
(File->Import…->General->Existing projects into workspace->Archive File). You will see a projects called CS320_Derby and CS320_Lab04 in the Package Explorer. You will be running the SQLDemo class in the CS320_Lab04 project.
Setting up the database
Execute the SQLDemo class as a Java application.
Use create table commands to create books and authors tables. From the SQL> prompt, enter the following commands. Rather than typing them, you can actually copy each command from this page and paste it into the SQL prompt - then press “Enter” to execute the command.
create table books (
book_id int
primary key generated always as identity (start with 1, increment by 1),
author_id int,
title varchar(70),
isbn varchar(15),
published int
create table authors (
author_id int
primary key generated always as identity (start with 1, increment by 1),
lastname varchar(40),
firstname varchar(40)
Next, use import commands to load data into these tables:
import books books.csv;
import authors authors.csv;
Your database is now populated with data.
Now, use the alter table command to establish author_id as a foreign key in the books table. Enter the following command:
alter table books
add foreign key (author_id)
references authors (author_id);
The schemas of the database tables are described in the notes for Lecture 9.
Compose and execute SQL queries that retrieve the following information. For the later queries, you will have to do some research at w3schools in order to learn the proper SQL commands to complete the query.
Each query should be terminated with a semicolon (;). For example, here is session showing a query to select all of the tuples in the authors table (user input in bold):
SQL> select * from authors; AUTHOR_ID LASTNAME FIRSTNAME --------- ----------- --------- 1 Adams Douglas 2 Adams Scott 3 Breathed Berkeley 4 Chapman Graham 5 Cleese John 6 Gilliam Terry 7 Hawking Stephen 8 Idle Eric 9 Jones Terry 10 Kahneman Daniel 11 Mlodinow Leonard 12 Newton Isaac 13 Palin Michael 14 Watterson Bill OK (14 rows(s))
Make sure to verify that the results of each query are correct by comparing against the database tables themselves.
- the title for each book written by Stephen Hawking
- the title and year of publishing for each book written by Douglas Adams
- the author’s name (first and last), the ISBN, and the year published for the book with the title “Something Under the Bed is Drooling”
- all of the authors for “The Complete Monty Python’s Flying Circus; All the Words, Volume 1”
- the title and author for each of Berkeley Breathed’s and Bill Watterson’s books, sorted in ascending order by title
- the author(s) and title for each book with the word “Time” or “Universe” in the title, sorted in ascending order by lastname, and then ascending by title.
- attempt to insert a new book into the books table, with an author_id that does not appear in the authors table (this attempt should fail, due to specifying an invalid foreign key for author_id)
- insert yourself as a new author in the the authors table (do not specify an author_id, Derby will do that for you, since author_id is the auto-generated primary key for the authors table)
- retrieve the author_id from the authors table for your entry and insert a new book into the books table, using your author_id
- now retrieve all of the information for your book (title, ISBN, published, lastname, firstname)
What to submit
Create a text file named lab04-username.txt (replace “username” with your YCP username). For each query listed above, copy the following information into your text file:
- The exact query you came up with
- The exact output of the query
You can cut and paste your queries and results from the console window as shown in the example above. If you create and populate this file as you do the lab, you’ll be able to copy the queries back into the SQL> window to repeat, test, and modify them. You will also reuse the steps to add a new book (and author) to the database in lab05.
Upload your solution text file to Marmoset in the lab04 project.