Project Summary

A website and database that would facilitate the solicitation and proposal of student projects by local and regional individuals, groups, organizations, and companies for the York College Engineering and Computer Science Department. Projects could be solicited/proposed for development as the basis for independent study projects, class semester projects, senior design projects, and/or capstone projects.

From the academic side, students and faculty members could post solicitations for project proposals for any of the above categories to the website. These solicitations would specify the desired type and scale of the project, the desired technologies and the constraints on the project, the level of academic sophistication of the students(s) who would be developing the project, the semester(s) in which each project would be developed, and contact information for the project solicitor.

From the industry side, individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses could match their available projects with the solicitations for projects from the academic side. They could also post projects that they would like to have considered for development as part of a student-centered project. Similar information would need to be posted about each project - a basic project proposal, the scope and scale of the project, a time-frame for its development, the technologies involved, the expected output, and contact information for the individual(s) proposing the project.

Basic Features: account management, login, form(s) for posting projects, an administrative review and approval process, methods for searching for and reviewing proposals. Project postings could include various types of documents, pictures, video clips, etc. It could be necessary to place specific access permissions on projects, as well.