Welcome to CS 320, Spring 2019!
This is the website for CS 320, Spring 2019 at York College. All information about the course will be posted here.
- Syllabus
- Schedule
- Calendar
- Project Teams and Rosters
- Assignments
- Labs
- Projects
- Tutoring
- Resources
- Career Development
- Practice Exams
- Marmoset (submission server)
Apr 25 - Changes to the schedule: Monday, 5-6-19 will now have two start-up companies pitching ideas to the class for possible Summer internships, possibly continuing into the Fall and beyond. Wednesday, 5-8-19 will now be an in-class team session, rather than the Team Project Milestone 4 presentation.
Apr 9 - Friday, 4-12-19 will be an in-class team work session, unencumbered by Professor Hake’s presence, as I will be attending the Undergraduate Research Showcase with the YCAS Radio Telescope teams. Even though I won’t be in attendance, you are still required to show up for class, as this is an opportunity for you to spend an entire class period working together on your team project. The in-class tutors/mentors will take attendance.
Apr 8 - Team Project Milestone 3: 75% Working System, w/SQL DB is due Monday, April 29th. This will be a FORMAL 8-10 minute (max) in-class team presentation/demonstration of your team’s progress since milestone 2. SQL database functionality IS REQUIRED for this milestone. A large majority of your classes, methods, test cases, and web page navigation should be implemented by milestone 3, as well.
Apr 8 - Assignment 9 describes the deliverables for the individual project. The report and code for your individual project are due by 7:00 am, Thursday, 4-18-19.
Apr 8 - Individual Project Milestone 3 is due Monday, 4-15-19. This will be your final Informal (at your desk) 2-4 minute (max) in-class demonstration of your individual project.
Apr 3 - Mid-semester self/peer evaluations are due by 7:00 am, Saturday, 4-13-19. See the instructions under Assignment 11.
Apr 3 - Posted an extensive example project on the Resources page that incorporates the Web Applications lab solution (Lab02) with the ORM Lab solution (Lab06). It provides a web application front-end to the ORM queries, as well as demonstrates the use of login session information, and incorporation of a SQL database persistence layer with a many-to-many relationship. We will review this in more depth in class on Friday, April 12th.
Mar 27 - Team Project Milestone 2: 50% Working System is due Monday, April 8th. This will be a FORMAL 8-10 minute (max) in-class team presentation/demonstration of your team’s progress since milestone 1. SQL database functionality is NOT required for this milestone (but IS required for the third milestone.)
Mar 27 - Individual Project Milestone 2: 50% Working System is due Monday, April 1st. This will be an informal (at your desk) 2-4 minute (max) in-class demonstration of your progress since Milestone 1.
Mar 20 - The midterm exam will be in-class on Friday, 4-5-19. It will be open notes and you can use any resource on the CS320 website, as well as your lab solutions. A practice exam is posted. We will use Wednesday, 4-3-19 to go over an end-to-end solution for the books database we’ve been working with, as well as a short review for the exam. The exam will be 120 points, and it will be difficult to finish in the time allotted, if you do not know the material. It will graded on a 100 point basis, thus it has a built-in 20-point curve. You can choose which questions to concentrate your effort on, but all questions will be graded.
Mar 11 - Lab06: ORM is posted. It is due by 7:00 am, Saturday, 3-23-19.
Mar 11 - Lab05: JDBC is posted. It is due by 7:00 am, Saturday, 3-16-19.
Mar 11 - Lab04: SQL, Queries, Joins is posted. It is due by 7:00 am, Wednesday, 3-13-19.
Mar 11 - Assignment 3: Team Project Milestones Team Milestone 1: Minimal Working System is due on Monday, March 25th. This will be a FORMAL 8-10 minute (max) in-class team presentation/demonstration of your team’s progress on your UI structure and navigation. You should have the vast majority of your servlets and JSPs defined, and be able to navigate between most, if not all, of your pages. Your HTML/CSS will still be in a rough state - don’t worry about making it “pretty”, focus on functionality over form. There is NO expectation for having any of your SQL database implemented or working.
Mar 11 - Assignment 4: Individual Project Milestones Individual Milestone 1: Baseline is due on Monday, March 18th. This will be an informal (at your desk) 2-4 minute (max) in-class demonstration of your progress, to date.
Feb 27 - Assignment 6: Problem Domain Analysis due date moved to Monday, 3-4-19, by 7:00 am
Feb 15 - For creating your UML diagrams for your group’s work-in-progress analysis models on Friday (2-22-19): please use Violet UML to create a nicely-formatted electronic version of your team’s model. You can download the jarfile from the Resources Page. You may also use other drawing tools, as long as those tools can export PDF versions of the UML diagram.
Feb 15 - Assignment 5: Team Use Cases due date moved to Monday, 2-18-19, by 7:00 am.
Jan 30 - The Lab02: Web Applications I due date has been moved to 7:00 am, Saturday, 2-2-19. If you submit by the original due date (due by 7:00 am, Thursday, 1-31-19), you will receive 110% credit.
- Jan 28 - Assignment 4 describes the expectations for the individual project milestones.
- Jan 28 - Assignment 3 describes the expectations for the team project milestones.
- Jan 28 - Lab02a: Web Applications II is posted. It is due by 7:00 am, Sunday, 2-10-19. Please also see the WebApps Notes for additional information about setting up the lab.
Jan 28 - Lab02: Web Applications I is posted. It is due by 7:00 am, Thursday, 1-31-19. Please also see the WebApps Notes for additional information about setting up the lab.
- Jan 25 - Assign02: Individual Project Proposal due by 7:00 am, Saturday, 2-9-19
- Jan 25 - Assign01: Team Project Proposal due by 7:00 am, Sunday, 2-3-19
Jan 25 - Lab01: HTML & CSS due by 7:00 am, Sunday, 1-27-19
- Jan 23 - Lab 1: HTML and CSS is posted
- Jan 23 - Please see the Projects page for Some Possible Team Projects
- Jan 23 - Assignment 1 is posted
- Jan 23 - Assignment 2 is posted
- Jan 23 - Class Rosters are posted - choose your teams
- Jan 23 - Welcome back to Kinsley and the most FUN you’ve ever had in a CS course (and where you’ll learn just how much WORK it takes to have so much FUN…!)