CS 320: Schedule
This is the schedule for the course. It may be updated from time to time. Updates will be announced in class.
Important: Do the reading before you come to class!
- SG is Scrum Guide, 2016
- UD is UML Distilled, 3rd ed.
Date | Topic/Activity | Reading |
Jan 23 | Course Introduction | Lecture 1: Course Overview, OOP |
Jan 25 | HTML and CSS HTML and CSS Lab Assigned |
Lecture 2: HTML and CSS Lab 1: HTML and CSS Lab |
Jan 28 | Web Applications Web Applications Labs Assigned |
Lecture 4: Web Applications |
Jan 30 | Web Applications Lab (in class) | Lab 2: Web Applications I |
Feb 1 | Web Applications II Lab (in class) | Lab 2a: Web Applications II |
Feb 4 | Development Processes & Waterfall | UD: Chapter 2, Lecture 6: Development Process |
Feb 6 | Agile Process & Scrum | Lecture 7: Agile & Scrum Manifesto for Agile Software Development SG: 2016 Scrum Guide |
Feb 8 | User Requirements Exercise and Brainstorming Session (in-class) | |
Feb 11 | Requirements & Use Cases Use Case Exercise (in-class) |
UD: Chapter 9, Lecture 8: Requirements, Use Cases |
Feb 13 | Team Project Session: Use Cases (in class) | |
Feb 15 | UML and OO Analysis Textual Analysis Exercise (in-class) |
UD: Chapter 3, Lecture 9: UML Class Diagrams Lecture 10: OO Analysis |
Feb 18 | Team Project Session: Textual Analysis (in class) | |
Feb 20 | WOO…! HOO…! A SNOW DAY…! You’re never too old to enjoy a snow day… :-) | |
Feb 22 | Team Project Session: Project Analysis Model - UML (in class) | |
Feb 25 | OO Design | Lecture 11: OO Design, OCP, LSP Design Principles and Design Patterns, Robert Martin, pages 1-12 |
Feb 27 | Version Control | Lecture 12: Git for Designers |
Mar 1 | Version Control Lab (in class) | Lab 3: Git Lab |
Mar 4 | Winter Break, no class | |
Mar 6 | Winter Break, no class | |
Mar 8 | Winter Break, no class | |
Mar 11 | Relational Databases SQL Lab Assigned |
Lecture 13: Relational Databases Lab 4: SQL Lab |
Mar 13 | Database Applications - JDBC JDBC Lab Assigned |
Lecture 14: Database Applications, JDBC Lab 5: JDBC Lab |
Mar 15 | Database Applications - ORM ORM Lab Assigned |
Lecture 15: ORM, Designing a Persistence Layer Lab 6: ORM Lab |
Mar 18 | Individual Project Milestone 1: Baseline Prototype |
Assignment 4: Individual Project Milestones |
Mar 20 | SQL/JDBC/ORM Review and ORM Lab Session (in class) | |
Mar 22 | In-class Lab/Team Project Session | |
Mar 25 | Team Project Milestone 1: Minimal Working System |
Assignment 3: Team Project Milestones |
Mar 27 | Testing and Code Coverage | Lecture 16: Testing |
Mar 29 | Ensuring Code Quality | Lecture 17: Ensuring Code Quality |
Apr 1 | Individual Project Milestone 2: 50% Progress |
Assignment 4: Individual Project Milestones |
Apr 3 | Library Application Example Mid-Term Exam Review |
Apr 5 | MID-TERM EXAM (in class) | |
Apr 8 | Team Project Milestone 2: Progress on Features |
Assignment 3: Team Project Milestones |
Apr 10 | Guest Lecture: Shane Shearer - VP of Innovation, AndCulture | |
Apr 12 | Library Example Review | |
Apr 15 | Individual Project Milestone 3: FINAL PROJECT DEMOS |
Assignment 4: Individual Project Milestones |
Apr 17 | Team Project Session (in class) | |
Apr 18 | Individual Project Code & Report Due | Assignment 9: Individual Project Deliverables |
Apr 19 | Spring Break, no class | |
Apr 22 | Spring Break, no class | |
Apr 24 | Work Ethic Lecture | |
Apr 26 | Exam Review and Team Project Session (in class) | |
Apr 29 | Team Project Milestone 3: 75% Working System |
Assignment 3: Team Project Milestones |
May 1 | Team Project Session (in class) | |
May 3 | Team Project Session (in class) | |
May 6 | Start-Up Pitches for Summer Interns (and beyond) | |
May 8 | Team Project Session (in class) | |
May 11 | Team Project Code & Report Due | Assignment 8: Team Project Deliverables |
May 13 | TEAM PROJECT FINAL PRESENTATIONS (Section 103) Final Exam Period (3:00 to 5:00) |
Assignment 8: Team Project Deliverables |
May 14 | Team Project Reflection Due Team Project Self / Peer Evaluation Due |
Assignment 10: Team Project Reflection Assignment 11: Team Project Self / Peer Evaluation |
May 15 | TEAM PROJECT FINAL PRESENTATIONS (Sections 101 & 102) Final Exam Periods (8:00 to 10:00, 10:15 to 12:15) |
Assignment 8: Team Project Deliverables |