Tests for Web Applications II Lab (Lab02a) Sign-Off

1) Pull up Lab02a in Eclipse: Verify that lab has been correctly refactored: “lab02” replaced with “lab02a_xxxx”, where “xxxx” is the student’s YCP username (look at the package names in Eclipse)

2) Pull up the Index page: Verify that the URL contains “lab02a_xxxx”, where “xxxx” is the student’s YCP username

3) Go to Add Numbers from the Index page: The AddNumbers page appears, with three number fields

4) Enter three numbers: Get correct result

5) Delete the third number: Get correct error message: “Please enter 3 numbers”, with all fields still filled with the submitted values

6) Replace the third number with “abc”: Get correct error message: “Invalid double”, with all fields still filled with the submitted values

7) Go back to the Index Page

8) Go to Multiply Numbers from the Index page: The MultiplyNumbers page appears, with two number fields

9) Enter two numbers: Get correct result

10) Delete the first number: Get correct error message: “Please enter 2 numbers”, with all fields still filled with the submitted values

11) Replace first number with “abc”: Get correct error message: “Invalid double”, with all fields still filled with the submitted values

12) Go back to the Index Page

13) Go to Guessing Game from the Index page: The GuessingGame page appears, with “Start Game” displayed

14) Use 33 as the number trying to be guessed: Press the correct buttons for each guess, eventually guesses 33 Correct sequence of guesses: 50 -> 25 -> 37 -> 31 -> 34 -> 32 -> 33

15) Pull up Numbers.java: Verify that it exists

16) Pull up addNumbers.JSP: Verify that it is pulling data for the fields directly from the Numbers.java model, and NOT using values passed in as named parameters through the Servlet (except for the Numbers.java model reference)

17) Run test cases for MultiplyNumbersController.java controller and Numbers.java model: Test cases exist and pass