Getting Started

Download Import it into your Eclipse workspace (File→Import…→General→Existing projects into workspace→Archive File). You will see a project called CS320_Lab05 in the Package Explorer. (You will also need to have the CS320_Derby project in your workspace, which should already be there from Lab 4.)

The lab contains a database called test.db, which is the books database from Lecture 13.

NOTE: You must work individually on this lab. It is imperative that everyone on your team be able to construct SQL queries, to establish a connection between a Java program and a SQL database, and to write SQL queries embedded in Java code. This WILL come up on the exam.


NOTE: You MUST refactor the name of the CS320_Lab05 project to include your username - BEFORE YOU EXPORT IT AND SUBMIT IT TO MARMOSET. Submissions that DO NOT adhere to that guideline will not be graded until they are refactored and resubmitted.

Example: If I was submitting this lab, I would refactor the CS320_Lab05 project to CS320_Lab05_djhake2 as soon as I imported the project into Eclipse.

In the lab skeleton you will find a program called TitleQuery which demonstrates basic JDBC tasks such as loading a driver, connecting to a database, creating and executing a prepared statement, and iterating through results returned from a query.

Using TitleQuery as a model, write your own programs (separate classes with main() methods) to do the following:

  1. Create class BooksByAuthorLastNameQuery that finds all books written by the author whose last name is specified by the user. Return the books in the same form as the TitleQuery program, but sorted in ascending order by Title.

  2. Create class InsertNewBookWithAuthor: For an existing author, given the full (first and last) name of an author, a title, an ISBN, and the year that the book was published, insert the new book into the database. Your program must first retrieve the existing author’s author_id before inserting the new book entry into the books table.

  3. Modify InsertNewBookWithAuthor to allow insertion of a new book for an author that is not already in the database. In this case, the program must first add the new author to the authors table, and then retrieve the auto-generated author_id for the new author, before inserting the new book into the books table. Hint: This requires multiple steps: attempt to retrieve the author_id. If the result set is empty, add the new author to the authors table. Then, retrieve the author_id that was automatically assigned for the new author. Now you can insert the new book into the books table. Use the SQL insert statement to insert the new tuple(s).


When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using the method below.

From a web browser

Save your project (CS320_lab05_username) to a zip file by right-clicking it and choosing

Export…→Archive File

Upload the saved zip file to the Lab05 project on the Marmoset server. The server URL is