Project Summary

A website and database that would allow graduating students to post personalized content to be presented at their commencement ceremony. As students approached the stage, they would scan a card containing a QR code that would call up their commencement information. That information would be retreived from the database, and formatted into a web page. The web page could be displayed on monitors positioned throughout the commencement venue(s), as well as included in the live broadcast stream. In addition, a recording of the student’s name would be broadcast over the sound system. The pronounciation of the student’s name could be sourced from the student, or a parent, faculty memeber, or Yoda or Darth Vader or Stephen Hawking, or anybody else they could get to provide a recorded pronounciation of their name.

The information for two students at a time could be shown on a split screen - thus giving each student about 10-15 seconds of total “air time” while they crossed the stage.

The content for each student could consist of:

Students would post the content to the database using their YCP login credentials. They could preview the content in order to see how it would be appear on the monitors at commencement, and could edit/modify it accordingly. To protect against inappropriate content from being posted to the database, and ultimately being presented live at commencement, each student’s advisor would be required to approve the content before it would be released for display. Default content could be provided for any student that did not post content, or whose content was not approved. Content could be approved on a field-by-field basis. If the student chose to edit/modify any of their content, any new changes would have to be approved by their advisor. Changes to the content would be locked from any further modifications within a certain number of days before commencement.