Due: Friday, Nov 17th by 11:59 PM
Getting Started
Download cs340-assign06.zip.
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Your Task
The source file parser2.clj
implements a recursive descent parser for the following context-free grammar:
unit → statement_list
statement_list → statement statement_list | statement
statement → var_decl_statement | expression_statement
var_decl_statement → var identifier ;
expression_statement → expression ;
expression → see below
primary → identifier | int_literal | str_literal
The names and symbols in bold are terminal symbols (tokens), while the names in italics are nonterminal symbols.
Expressions are infix expressions with the := (assignment), = (equality), !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, and ^ (exponentiation) operators. They are parsed by precedence climbing.
Your task is to modify the parser to support the following productions:
primary → ( expression )
statement → if_statement
statement → while_statement
if_statement → if ( expression ) { statement_list }
while_statement → while ( expression ) { statement_list }
Supporting the first production (allowing parenthesized subexpressions) will require modifying the parse-primary function. Supporting the other two productions will involve modifying the parse-statement function.
Recursive descent parsing in a functional language
Implementing a recursive descent parser in a functional language is not really that hard. However, there is one fundamental issue that requires some thought: the lexical analyzer (lexer) cannot implement stateful operations.
In our previous work with parsing (such as Assignment 3), we assumed that the lexer’s next() method consumed a token, removing it from the input sequence, such that a subsequent call to next() would return a different token. Because next() modified the lexer’s internal state, it is a “stateful” operation. When writing programs in a functional language, where destructive modifications of data are not possible, our operations can’t be stateful.
From the standpoint of implementing a recursive descent parser, the issue is that each parse function needs to consume some number of tokens from the input sequence. Thus, each time a parse function is called, we need to know how many tokens were consumed, and which tokens remain. This turns out to be pretty easy if we have each parse function return two values: a parse node, and a sequence containing the remaining tokens. We can have the parse functions return two values by having them return a record containing a parse node and the sequence containing the remaining tokens.
Record data types
Record types in Clojure are very much like struct data types in C, except that record instances are immutable.
The parser defines two record types:
; Result of expanding a single right-hand-side symbol:
; A single parse node, and a sequence containing the remaining
; input tokens.
(defrecord SingleParseResult [node tokens])
; Result of partially or completely applying a production:
; A sequence of 0 or more parse nodes, and a sequence containing
; the remaining input tokens.
(defrecord ParseResult [nodes tokens])
The node
module defines one additional record type, which is used to represent parse tree nodes (as well as other kinds of nodes in future assignments):
; Record for parse tree, AST, and augmented AST nodes.
; symbol indicates the (terminal or nonterminal) symbol.
; value is the "value" of the node, which for terminal nodes
; is the lexeme of the token, and for nonterminal nodes
; is the list of child nodes.
; props is a map containing property values; these are used
; in the augmented AST for things like register numbers for
; variables.
(defrecord Node [symbol value props])
Creating an instance of a record type is done by using the name of the type as a constructor function. For example, here is the definition of the make-node function in the node
; Make a node without any properties.
; Parameters:
; symbol - the symbol (keyword value) used to label the node
; value - the value of the node: for parent nodes, it should
; be a sequence (list or vector) containing the child
; nodes
; Returns: the node
(defn make-node [symbol value]
(Node. symbol value {}))
This function creates a Node record with the specified symbol and value, and with an empty properties map.
Accessing a field of a record is done by applying a keyword naming the field that you want to retrieve as a function on the record instance. For exmaple, if n is a Node record instance, then the expression
(:symbol n)
would retrieve the value of n’s symbol field.
Tokens, Parse functions
The parser takes its inputs as a sequence of tokens. Each token is a two-element vector, where the first element is the token’s lexeme, and the second element is the token’s symbol, represented as a Clojure keyword value. Here are the various types of tokens that the lexer produces:
Symbol Meaning :var var keyword :func func keyword :if if keyword :while while keyword :identifier an identifier :str_literal a string literal :int_literal an integer literal :op_assign the assignment operator, := :op_plus the addition operator, + :op_minus the subtraction operator, - :op_mul the multiplication operator, * :op_div the division operator, / :op_exp the exponentiation operator, ^ :op_lte less than or equal to, <= :op_lt less than, < :op_gte greater than or equal to, >= :op_gt greater than, > :op_eq equal to, = :op_neq not equal to, != :semicolon semicolon, ; :lparen left parenthesis, ( :rparen right parenthesis, ) :lbrace left brace, { :rbrace right brace, }
Parse functions in the parser take a sequence of tokens and return a SingleParseResult record containing a Node (a parse tree representing the result of the parse), and a sequence containing the remaining input tokens.
Symbol application functions
The parser uses symbol application functions to make progress. Each symbol application function applies a single symbol (terminal or nonterminal) on the right-hand side of a production. All of the parse functions are symbol application functions. The expect function creates a symbol application function which consumes a particular terminal symbol.
The parser has some helper functions for applying productions: do-production, apply-production, and complete-production.
The do-production function is the easiest of the three helpers: it applies a complete production and returns a SingleParseResult. For example, here is how the parse-unit function is implemented:
(defn parse-unit [token-seq]
; unit -> ^ statement_list
(do-production :unit [parse-statement-list] token-seq))
If the right-hand side of a production has one or more terminal symbols, then the expect function can be used to return a symbol application function for consuming a particular type of terminal symbol (token). For example, here is the implementation of the parse-var-decl-statement function:
(defn parse-var-decl-statement [token-seq]
; var_decl_statement -> ^ var identifier ;
(do-production :var_decl_statement
[(expect :var) (expect :identifier) (expect :semicolon)]
The only drawback to do-production is that it requires that you apply a complete production. If you are only going to apply part of a production (consuming only some of the symbols on the right-hand side of a production), then you can use the apply-production function. It takes a ParseResult and a list of symbol application functions, and returns an extended ParseResult created by applying the specified symbol application functions. The complete-production function takes a nonterminal symbol (keyword) and a ParseResult, and returns a SingleParseResult containing a single parse node with all parse nodes in the ParseResult. The apply-production and complete-production functions can be used together to apply a production in stages. You can see an example of this in parse-statement-list. (You will mostly likely not need to use apply-production or complete-production, but understanding how they work will be helpful in understanding how the parser works.)
A good way to test your work (as you modify the parser) is to print the parse trees that are created as a result of parsing. The pp/pretty-print function takes a Node (the root of the parse tree) and prints out a text representation of the parse tree.
In parser2.clj
there is a “Testing” section at the bottom of the file. If you uncomment the two lines at the bottom of the file (defining variables called testprog and prog), when you load the parser it will do a parse of a test input (testprog), saving the resulting parse tree in prog. So, after loading the module, evaluating
(pp/pretty-print prog)
in a REPL will produce the following output:
| +--:var_decl_statement
| +--:var["var"]
| +--:identifier["a"]
| +--:semicolon[";"]
| +--:var_decl_statement
| +--:var["var"]
| +--:identifier["b"]
| +--:semicolon[";"]
| +--:expression_statement
| +--:op_assign
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["a"]
| | +--:primary
| | +--:int_literal["5"]
| +--:semicolon[";"]
| +--:primary
| | +--:identifier["b"]
| +--:op_div
| +--:primary
| | +--:identifier["a"]
| +--:op_exp
| +--:primary
| | +--:identifier["a"]
| +--:op_exp
| +--:primary
| | +--:int_literal["4"]
| +--:primary
| +--:int_literal["5"]
This parse tree corresponds to the input
var a; var b; a := 5; b := a / a^4^5;
As you work on the parser, you can modify testprog to test other inputs to ensure they parse correctly.
Example inputs and parse trees
Here are some example inputs you can try, along with their expected parse trees. (Copy the example inputs into the contents of the string assigned to testprog.)
Example input:
a * (b + 3);
Expected output:
| +--:primary
| | +--:identifier["a"]
| +--:primary
| +--:lparen["("]
| +--:op_plus
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["b"]
| | +--:primary
| | +--:int_literal["3"]
| +--:rparen[")"]
Example input:
while (a < b) { a := a * 4; }
Expected parse tree:
| +--:primary
| | +--:identifier["a"]
| +--:primary
| +--:identifier["b"]
| +--:statement
| +--:expression_statement
| +--:op_assign
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["a"]
| | +--:op_mul
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["a"]
| | +--:primary
| | +--:int_literal["4"]
| +--:semicolon[";"]
Example input:
if ( (a + b) / 5 >= 44 ) { c := c ^ (2 + d); }
Expected parse tree:
| +--:op_div
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:lparen["("]
| | | +--:op_plus
| | | | +--:primary
| | | | | +--:identifier["a"]
| | | | +--:primary
| | | | +--:identifier["b"]
| | | +--:rparen[")"]
| | +--:primary
| | +--:int_literal["5"]
| +--:primary
| +--:int_literal["44"]
| +--:statement
| +--:expression_statement
| +--:op_assign
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["c"]
| | +--:op_exp
| | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["c"]
| | +--:primary
| | +--:lparen["("]
| | +--:op_plus
| | | +--:primary
| | | | +--:int_literal["2"]
| | | +--:primary
| | | +--:identifier["d"]
| | +--:rparen[")"]
| +--:semicolon[";"]
When you are done, submit the lab to the Marmoset server using either of the methods below.
Important: after you submit, log into the submission server and verify that the correct files were uploaded. You are responsible for ensuring that you upload the correct files. I may assign a grade of 0 for an incorrectly submitted assignment.
From a web browser
Create a zip file containing your completed project. (If you are in Eclipse, you can use File → Export… → General → Archive File.)
Upload the saved zip file to the Marmoset server as assign06. The server URL is
From the command line
From the command line, run the command
make submit
Type your Marmoset username and password when prompted.