CS 340: Lab 3: Eliminating Nondeterminism
Getting Started
This is a paper and pencil exercise.
Your Task
Consider the following NFA (nondeterministic finite automaton):
Convert this NFA to a DFA: a deterministic finite automaton. Simulate the execution of the NFA by considering which sets of NFA states map to each DFA state.
As you encounter reachable states, make sure you immediately follow epsilon transitions (denoted above with λ) to find the epsilon closure of each reachable set of NFA states. For example, even though q0 in the NFA is the start state, q1 is reachable from q0 by an epsilon transition, so NFA states {q0, q1} map to the DFA start state.
Your task is to produce:
- The table mapping NFA state sets to corresponding DFA states
- The resulting DFA (equivalent to the NFA)