Getting started

Download It is an Eclipse project, so you can import it into Eclipse using File→Import…→General→Existing projects into workspace→Archive file. You should see a project called clojure-review in your Eclipse workspace.

Your task

This is a Clojure review lab. It is intended to prepare you for Exam 2.

Complete the make-pair, double-apply, double-applicator, my-flatten, and conj-all functions in src/clojure_review/core.clj. Each function is described by a detailed comment with example inputs and expected results.

You can test your functions by running the command lein test in a terminal window from the root of the project.

You can also start a Clojure REPL (in Eclipse) by right-clicking in core.clj and choosing Clojure→Load file in REPL. This is very useful for testing your functions interactively.

Important: make sure you follow the requirements for each function. For example, my-flatten must be recursive, and conj-all must be tail recursive. Trivial solutions (e.g., (defn my-flatten [a-seq] (flatten a-seq)) are not acceptable.

Resources you may use

You may use your textbook, the course website, the Clojure MOOC website, the website, and the website.