Getting started

Download Unzip it somewhere (e.g., in your CS340 directory). The lab files are in a directory called CS340_Lab19.


MiniVM is a toy stack-based bytecode virtual machine. It’s a little bit like the Java virtual machine, although greatly simplified.

The documentation gives a general overview of how MiniVM works. You can look at the instruction set documents each supported instruction.

You can also browse some example programs.

Your task

Write a program to compute the sum of the first N integers and print out the sum. Since MiniVM doesn’t support reading user input, you will need to hard code N in the program.

The program is in the file sumints.mvm. You can execute it interactively with the command

./MiniVM.rb -x -i sumints.mvm

In interactive mode, each time you press Enter, one instruction will be executed.

You can execute it noninteractively with the command

./MiniVM.rb -x sumints.mvm

Interactive execution is useful for understanding the exact behavior of the program. Noninteractive execution is useful if you want to test the program for larger values of N (where tracing the entire execution of the program would be tedious.)

If you have time

Try modifying the program to use a procedure to compute the sum of 1..N.