Due: Wednesday, Apr 26th in class Late assignments will be penalized 20% per day.

Book Questions from Introduction to Algorithms - 3rd ed.


26.1-7, 26.2-3

34-2 (10 points)


26.1-7 - Consider how to modify each vertex of the original graph such that the flow through that vertex is converted from a vertex capacity to an edge capacity thus allowing the original maximal flow algorithms to be utilized.

34-2 - Bonnie and Clyde

a. Let there be a coins of type x and b coins of type y. Consider how many different amounts can be made with all the coins. Can this be enumerated in polynomial time?

b. Note that each larger denomination can be made exactly by combinations of smaller denominations (since they are all integral powers of 2). Determine the runtime of a greedy strategy where Bonnie takes the largest coin and then Clyde takes as many coins (largest remaining first) until he has the same as Bonnie, etc.

c. Another problem that can be shown to be NP-Complete is the set-partition problem (see problem 34.5-6 on pg. 1101) which decides whether or not given a finite set of numbers there exists a partition of the numbers into two sets such that the sum of the values in both sets are equal. Relate Bonnie and Clyde’s problem to this one. Remember that to show a problem isis NP-complete you must reduce an existing NP-complete problem to this one. (Alternatively, but more difficult, is to reduce the subset-sum problem, described in section 34.5.5 on pg. 1097, which decides whether or not given a set of positive integers and a target value there is a subset of the integers that sum to the target.)

d. Again refer to the set-partition problem as above. Remember that to show this variant of Bonnie and Clyde is NP-complete, assume there is a polynomial time solution for it and show that then we could solve every set-partition problem by turning it into a Bonnie and Clyde variant.