Fri, March 18th by 11:59pm Late assignments will be penalized 20% per day.

Empirical Sorting Comparison

The purpose of this assignment is to compare the various sorting algorithms implemented in assignments 1, 2, and 3.


The submission for this assignment should consist of a written report that graphically shows the results for all five sorts and provides a discussion of what was observed. DO NOT include your completed source code, but provide tables of numerical data in an appendix at the end of the report.

The report should include meaningful plots (e.g. using Excel) of all the data showing important comparison characteristics. There should be a summary table listing the sort method, asymptotic behavior, and empirical asymptotic formula with “best-fit” constants.

DISCUSS the results in terms of observed behavior (e.g. how well does the asymptotic behavior match the empirical data), comparison of behaviors between sorts (e.g. which ones perform better at which data set sizes), comparison of hidden constants for sorts with the same asymptotic behaviors, and any other important observed features. The discussion should refer to the graphs when appropriate to illustrate each aspect. Some questions that should be answered with graphs and brief textual explanations include:

SUMMARIZE the results by describing under what conditions you would select which sort, i.e. if you were asked to sort a data set, what criteria would you use in making your selection?


Upload a .pdf file to Canvas by Friday, March 18 at 11:59pm