This page contains links to useful resources.

Windows 10

Visual Studio 2019

Download and install Visual Studio 2019 - the Community Edition is sufficient. During the installation when you are given options of features to add, select Desktop development with C++. You should be able to sign in with your YCP email (or create a new account using it).


  1. Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.

  2. Download and install CLion and accept the defaults during the installation process. You should see a screen for the Visual Studio toolchain, be sure to select the AMD64 architecture. Note: If Visual Studio is not the default toolchain, use the up arrow above the list until it shows (default).

Mac OSX (Catalina/Monterey)


  1. From the Mac App store, download and install XCode

  2. In the Terminal, install the command line tools using

     $ sudo xcode-select --install


  1. Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.

  2. Download and install CLion and accept the defaults during the installation process.


Debian based distros (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)

From the command line, install the g++ compiler

$ sudo apt-get install g++


  1. Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.

  2. Download CLion and follow the installation instructions for Linux.

  3. Accept the defaults during the installation process.