This page contains links to useful resources.
CLion This is the IDE we will be using in this course. You will need to create an account using your YCP email to receive a free license.
CamScanner This is a nice mobile scanner app to generate .pdf files.
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2019
Download and install Visual Studio 2019 - the Community Edition is sufficient. During the installation when you are given options of features to add, select Desktop development with C++. You should be able to sign in with your YCP email (or create a new account using it).
Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.
Download and install CLion and accept the defaults during the installation process. You should see a screen for the Visual Studio toolchain, be sure to select the AMD64 architecture. Note: If Visual Studio is not the default toolchain, use the up arrow above the list until it shows (default).
Mac OSX (Catalina/Monterey)
From the Mac App store, download and install XCode
In the Terminal, install the command line tools using
$ sudo xcode-select --install
Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.
Download and install CLion and accept the defaults during the installation process.
Debian based distros (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)
From the command line, install the g++ compiler
$ sudo apt-get install g++
Create a JetBrains account with your YCP email to obtain a free license.
Download CLion and follow the installation instructions for Linux.
Accept the defaults during the installation process.