Orthogonal projection is typically used when the camera is at a fixed location and the objects are manipulated through transformations. By duality, however, (or Einstein relativity) it does not matter whether the camera is fixed and the objects move or the objects are fixed and the camera moves (and frequently the objects and camera will both move). Particularly with perspective projection, the camera location will play an important role since the viewing volume will be defined relative to the camera’s location and orientation. Fortunately, OpenGL allows us to define the objects in world coordinates and then simply place the camera at the desired location without worrying about all the underlying projection transformations.

We can think of the process of projection as taking a “picture” of the world from a particular location using a camera. The particular camera model we will use is the simplified pinhole camera where the aperature is a single pinhole. Light rays are drawn from every point in the world, through the pinhole, and onto the projection plane (i.e. film). This particular method clearly will have the closest objects along each ray being the ones appearing in the final scene.


Since this model produces inverted images, we will assume that the projection plane is loacated an equal distance in front of the camera such that our images are right-side up.

Since we will now start rendering scenes with many objects (particularly based on the same instance object), performance in terms of rendering efficiency can become an issue. In particular, for complex geometry with a large number of vertices, the overhead incurred via the glVertex3f() function calls incurs a substantial performance penalty. We can mitigate this problem by loading the vertices onto the graphics card and then simply telling the card to render the objects (rather than repeatedly pushing all the data down the pipeline). The disadvantage to this approach is that once the vertices are on the graphics card, they cannot be modified by the application (other than by modelview transformations).

0. Getting Started

Download CS370_Lab08.zip, saving it into the labs directory.

Double-click on CS370_Lab08.zip and extract the contents of the archive into a subdirectory called CS370_Lab08

Navigate into the CS370_Lab08 directory and double-click on CS370_Lab08.sln (the file with the little Visual Studio icon with the 12 on it).

If the source file is not already open in the main window, open the source file by expanding the Source Files item in the Solution Explorer window and double-clicking perspectiveCubes.cpp.

1. Perspective Projection

Unlike orthogonal projection where parallel lines remain parallel and the size of an object is independent of its location relative to the camera, perspective projection is more akin to actual scenes. For example, two parallel railroad tracks appear to converge to a point in the distance and as objects move away from the observer, i.e. the camera, they get smaller in size. For this projection mode, rather than the viewing volume being a parallelapiped, it has a shape known as a frustum. This frustum can be visualized as a pyramid with its point at the camera but starting a small distance from the camera (the near clipping plane) and extending a further distance outward (the far clipping plane) as shown below.


For this projection mode, the projection plane (i.e. camera film) is the near clipping plane. The frustum is defined by modifying the projection matrix via the command

glFrustum(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat near, GLfloat far);

where again left and right are the x extents of the near clipping plane, bottom and top are the y extents of the near clipping plane, and near and far are the z extents in world coordinate units of the near and far clipping planes respectively. These values, however, are measured from the camera whose default position is the origin looking back down the z axis. However since the camera now is within the scene, near must be positive and far > near (be careful not to make near too small). Also depending on the location and orientation of the camera, these values typically do not refer to world coordinate extents, but to extents relative to the camera.


2. Camera Position

The default camera position is at the origin pointed in the -z direction. We can, however, change this position and orientation with the command

gluLookAt(eyex, eyey, eyez, atx, aty, atz, upx, upy, upz);

where eyex, eyey, and eyez are the world coordinates of the camera; atx, aty, atz are the world coordinates where the camera is pointing; and upx, upy, upz define a vector indicating which direction is up for the camera (since otherwise the camera could have any orientation about the axis defined by eye and at). Since this command essentially creates an initial global transformation, it should be issued prior to any other modelview transformations (otherwise the camera location and orientation will be concatenated with any preceeding transformations). Note: Usually this command will be placed in display() and be the first modelview transformation since it applies to all objects.


3. Display Lists

Depending on our requirements, one way to improve performance is through the use of display lists. If the geometry of our object(s) is fixed (for example with instance objects) we can compile the geometry into a display list and store it on the graphics card. Then when we wish to use the object(s), we simply tell the graphics card to render the desired list (thus avoiding passing any geometry from the application to the pipeline). However since the object(s) is compiled, once created it cannot be modified (unless it is subsequently recompiled). The display lists may contain multiple objects, even using different instance transformations for each object, as long as the local transformations are static, i.e. we cannot modify any internal transformation parameters after the list is compiled.

In order to use display lists, we must perform three tasks. First we will define a symbolic constant to identify the list. Second we will create the display list using the standard geometry commands (including transformations) that we have previously learned. Usually this is done when we initialize GLUT, i.e. we do not want to do this in the display() callback (which would recreate the display lists every time the scene is rendered). Then finally we will execute the list within render_scene() whenever we wish to render the objects.

Defining a symbolic constant

To identify each list, we want to define a unique unsigned integer via a #define statement (i.e. symbolic constant) at the top of the program. This will provide a convenient way of distinguishing our lists while making our code more readable.

Creating a display list

To create a display list (usually in a separate initialization function) we use a structure similar to:

glNewList(listname, GL_COMPILE);
	// Save the current state

	// Insert graphics code here

	// Restore the previous state

where listname is the symbolic constant for the list and GL_COMPILE tells OpenGL to compile the list (and load it onto the graphics card). Between the glNewList() and glEndList() commands, typically the first and last commands are glPushAttrib(GL_CURRENT_BIT) and glPopAttrib() to save and restore all state information prior to rendering the list (so that any transformations within the list do not affect subsequent rendered objects). Any valid geometry commands including glBegin(), glEnd(), glVertex*(), and any transformations can be used to create the list. NOTE: Variables may be used within the geometry commands, however only their current values will be used to create the list and hence any subsequent modification of the variables (e.g. in the idle() callback) will not affect the list object (unless the object is subsequently recompiled by calling the list creation function).

Since the lists can consume memory on the graphics card (which may be needed for other things like texture maps and shader programs), when a list is no longer needed it can be deleted using the command:

glDeleteLists(listname, 1);

where listname is the name of the list to delete and 1 specifies to delete a single list.

Executing a display list

At any point in render_scene() that we wish to render the objects from a display list, we can use the command


where listname is the name of the list we wish to render. NOTE: The objects will be subject to any transformations currently in the modelview transformation matrix.


See section 3.12.1 of OpenGL: A Primer for information on manipulating multiple display lists using a single command.

4. Rendering Multiple Objects

We have already discussed in previous labs how to reset the modelview matrix using glLoadIdentity(). However often we wish to maintain a global transformation, e.g. one produced by positioning the camera, for all objects in the scene while still allowing for local transformations on a per object basis. Fortunately OpenGL provides a matrix stack that can be used to push and pop the current modelview matrix as needed. This is done with the commands

// Push the current transformation matrix onto the stack

// Perform any additional local transformations
// and render the object

// Restore the prior transformation matrix

glPushMatrix() places a copy of the current modelview matrix onto the stack prior to any additional local transformations. Once the object is complete, rather than needing to undo the transformations, glPopMatrix() simply sets the modelview matrix to the one at the top of the stack, i.e. the one prior to the recent local transformations. Later we will see how to use the stack to store multiple modelview transformation matrices in order to render a scene using a scene graph.


5. Spherical Coordinates

Often times when we wish to move the camera through a scene, simply adjusting the (x,y,z) components in Cartesian coordinates is awkward for the user. Instead it is more natural if the camera is moved in spherical coordinates which consist of an azimuth angle (rotation about the y axis), an elevation angle (rotation down from the y axis), and a radius (distance from the origin), see the diagram below


With this coordinate system, the user appears to rotate around the object (azimuth), “over/under” the object (elevation), and “towards/away from” the object (radius). However, since OpenGL strictly uses Cartesian coordinates (i.e. (x,y,z)) the conversion from spherical to Cartesian coordinates is given by



Compiling and running the program

Once you have completed typing in the code, you can build and run the program in one of two ways:

(On Linux/OSX: In a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing the source file and simply type make. To run the program type ./perspectiveCubes.exe)

The output should look similar to below


To quit the program simply close the window.

Now that we have completed 3D geometry along with the two basic projection modes, we are ready to begin embellishing our scenes by adding effects such as lighting and texture mapping.