We are now ready to begin exploring the various effects that can be applied in the fragment shader (also known as the pixel shader). In this stage of the pipeline, all the original geometry information is lost and effects are only performed on a per pixel basis. None the less, there is still a significant amount of scene enhancement that can be accomplished in this stage. The first effect we will explore in this lab is alpha blending. This effect combines the pixel colors currently in the framebuffer with those from the object being currently rendered to produce the appearance of translucency/transparency, i.e. objects can be seen through other objects.
Up to this point, we have only been using the first three components when applying colors - the R, G, and B channels. However, all colors in OpenGL are treated as 32-bit values with the last byte representing the alpha (or A) channel. This channel represents the opacity (or equivalently transparency) of the color. So far all of our alpha channels have been set to 1, meaning that all our objects are opaque, i.e. solid. An alpha channel of 0 would represent a completely transparent object (such as glass). By using values between 0 and 1, we get translucent objects where the final color of the pixel is a blend of the colors of both objects with the amount of blending determined by various parameters in the application.
0. Getting Started
Download CS370_Lab17.zip, saving it into the labs directory.
Double-click on CS370_Lab17.zip and extract the contents of the archive into a subdirectory called CS370_Lab17
Navigate into the CS370_Lab17 directory and double-click on CS370_Lab17.sln (the file with the little Visual Studio icon with the 12 on it).
If the source file is not already open in the main window, open the source file by expanding the Source Files item in the Solution Explorer window and double-clicking blendedCone.cpp.
If the header file is not already open in the main window, open the header file by expanding the Header Files item in the Solution Explorer window and double-clicking materials.cpp.
1. Alpha Channel
One common place to set the alpha channel is when creating a material (i.e. in materials.h). Thus we can make a translucent object by simply adjusting the alpha channel for the three lighting components.
- Add code to materials.h to create a new material named red_acrylic that uses the same properties as red_plastic but has alpha components (fourth value in each array) set to 0.5.
2. Alpha Blending
In order to use alpha blending we simply enable it (usually in the initializations) using:
Once blending is enabled, we must then specify how we wish OpenGL to combine the colors by setting a blending function for both the source (the pixel from the object being rendered) and the destination (the current pixel in the framebuffer). The blending function is a linear function with the proportion for each part set using:
glBlendFunc(src_val, dest_val);
where src_val, and dest_val are the factors used in the blending function. Two common src_val/dest_val pairs are (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) and (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE).
For source and destination colors given by (Rs,Gs,Bs,As) and (Rd,Gd,Bd,Ad), these blending factors combine the colors as follows
These factors guarantee that the color channels remain bounded within the range [0.0,1.0] and hence will appear more or less correct. However, the problem is that to use these factors properly, rendering order is important. In particular, objects must be rendered from back-to-front (i.e. using a painter’s algorithm) to produce the proper final color. This is typically not difficult for static scenes, but for ones where the object positions are changing either relative to each other or relative to the camera, maintaing proper rendering order can be tricky.
For source and destination colors given by (Rs,Gs,Bs,As) and (Rd,Gd,Bd,Ad), these blending factors combine the colors as follows
These factors guarantee that the same color is rendered regardless of order and hence is much better for dynamic scenes. However, since the final color is simply the total sum of all the object colors, the final color may saturate in one or several of the color channels, i.e. be greater than one and hence be clipped to 1.0 when rendered. Thus the final color may not be the expected color (or may simply be white if all the color channels saturate).
- Add code to main( ) to enable alpha blending.
- Add code to main( ) to set the blending factors to GL_SRC_ALPHA and GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
3. Quadric Objects
Creating even simple geometries by hand is usually a tedious process. Fortunately the OpenGL utility library (glu, which is available on most systems) provides a mechanism called quadrics for creating many common geometric objects, e.g. spheres, cylinders/cones, disks, etc. In order to use quadrics, we must first declare a pointer to a GLUQuadricObj variable as:
GLUquadricObj *quadric;
where quadric is the variable name of the quadric. Note: We only need to define one pointer (but may wish to use several for readability or to set different rendering properties) which can then be used to create multiple (different) quadric objects.
Next we need to initialize the generic quadric object using the call:
quadric = gluNewQuadric();
where quadric is the variable declared previously.
We can then set various properties of the quadric that affect how they will be rendered. For example, we can set that the object be rendered as either solid, wireframe, etc. using:
where quadric is the quadric variable and draw_mode is one of the symbolic constants GLU_POINT, GLU_LINE, GLU_FILL, or GLU_SILHOUETTE.
Furthermore if we are using lighting, we can specify how normals should be generated for the quadric using:
where quadric is the quadric variable and norm_mode is one of the symbolic constants GLU_SMOOTH, GLU_FLAT, or GLU_NONE.
Finally when we wish to render the quadric (in render_scene( ) or a display list) we simply call the appropriate quadric function gluSphere( ), gluCylinder( ), etc. with appropriate arguments - see section 4.7.1 of OpenGL: A Primer for more details.
NOTE: Later we will see how texture coordinates can also be automatically generated for quadric objects.
- Add a global variable named quadric of type GLUquadricObj.
- Add code to main( ) to initialize quadric.
- Add code to main( ) to set the quadric draw style to GLU_FILL and the normals to GLU_SMOOTH.
- Add code to render_scene( ) to render a brass sphere using the quadric object with radius 1.0 and 90 slices and stacks. Translate the sphere by sphere_pos[ ].
- Add code to render_scene( ) to render a red_acrylic cylinder using the quadric object with base radius 1.0, top radius 0.5, height 1.0, and 90 slices and stacks. Rotate it by -90 degrees about the x-axis (so that it is upright) and translate it by -2 units in y so that it sits on top of the table. NOTE: Make sure it is the last object rendered.
- Add code to idlefunc( ) to make the sphere “bounce” by changing the y value of sphere_pos[] by SPHERE_STEP. Change the direction via sphere_dir whenever the sphere reaches SPHERE_MAX or SPHERE_MIN.
4. GLUT Objects
Like quadrics, GLUT also provides many common objects such as spheres, cones, torii, various polyhedra, and the famous Utah Teapot. These objects are easier to create than quadrics but do not have as much flexibility in their final rendered appearance. Also since GLUT is a separate package that is usually not installed on most systems, using them will make the program far less portable. To create a GLUT object, simply call the desired function, e.g. glutSolidSphere( ), glutSolidTeapot( ), etc. with appropriate parameters - see section 4.7.2 of OpenGL: A Primer for more details.
- Add code to render_scene( ) to render a brass torus using a GLUT object of inner radius 0.25, outer radius of 0.5, and 20 sides and slices. Translate the torus by torus_pos[ ] and rotate it by torus_theta about the y-axis. NOTE: Make sure to render the torus before the translucent cylinder.
- Add code to idle_func( ) to make the torus “roll” by changing the value of torus_theta by TORUS_STEP. NOTE: Make sure to keep the value in the range [0.0,360.0].
5. Depth Test and Alpha Blending
Normally we simply enable the depth test in order to perform hidden surface removal such that the closest object is the one that appears in the final scene. However since alpha blending occurs in the fragment processor if the depth test is enabled when translucent objects are rendered, they may be clipped before reaching the fragment processor. Hence whenever a translucent object is rendered, the depth test must be temporarily disabled using:
After rendering the translucent object, the depth test should be re-enabled to allow proper rendering of subsequent opaque objects. This is simply done using
- Add code to render_scene( ) to disable/re-enable the depth test for the red-acrylic cylinder. What happens if you do not disable this or forget to re-enable it?
Compiling and running the program
Once you have completed typing in the code, you can build and run the program in one of two ways:
- Click the small green arrow in the middle of the top toolbar
- Hit F5 (or Ctrl-F5)
(On Linux/OSX: In a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing the source file and simply type make. To run the program type ./blendedCone.exe)
The output should look similar to below
To quit the program simply close the window.
You should experiment with different blending factors for both the source and destination to see what effects they produce. Also you can try out different rendering properties for the quadrics to see what they do. Even though alpha blending occurs in the fragment processor, it is still using pixels generated by the pipeline, i.e. that were produced by object geometry.