CS370 Final Project Submission Instructions:

  1. Navigate to your final project directory, e.g. CS370_Project

  2. Double-click the .sln file to load the project in Visual Studio.

  3. Click the green arrow in the toolbar to build and run your project (be sure it runs properly on the KEC123 lab computers).

  4. Close Visual Studio.

  5. Navigate into the Debug directory located in the same folder as the .sln file.

  6. Copy the .exe file from this directory.

  7. Navigate up one directory - back to where the .sln file is.

  8. Navigate into the directory with the source files, e.g. CS370_Project subdirectory. Be sure you are in the directory with the .cpp files, image files, shader files, etc.

  9. Paste the .exe file in the folder with the source files.

  10. Navigate out to the folder where the outermost project directory is, e.g. H:/CS370.

  11. Insert a USB drive and open the drive folder.

  12. Drag-and-drop the CS370_Project outermost folder into the USB folder.

  13. After the folder has completed copying, eject the USB drive, reinsert it, open the USB folder, navigate into CS370_Project/CS370_Project (where the source files and executable are), and double-click on the executable file. Your program should execute WITHOUT launching Visual Studio.

  14. Bring this USB drive to the final presentation during the final exam period along with the completed evaluation form.