Now that we render geometry with both lighting and texture mapping, we will explore a nice way to organize the objects into our scene, particularly those that have a direct relationship to each other. For example, the position of your hand is related to the position of your arm which is related to the position of your body. Thus rather than having to continually recompute the absolute position of each part, we would like to create a mechanism for simply keeping track of the relative positioning of each part with respect to the other parts. Therefore, when one part moves, e.g. your body, those parts connected to it will automatically move with it. We can accomplish this by constructing a tree structure known as a scene graph. In the scene graph, every object will become a node which will contain the local transformations for that particular object as well as any necessary rendering components. The tree then provides a convenient mechanism for preserving the transformations from level to level, hence objects that are related will have the same transformations applied to them automatically. Once the tree has been constructed, rendering the scene is simply a matter of traversing the tree using a depth first approach (actually any part of the tree can likewise be rendered by starting at the desired node). This structure allows for simple addition/removal of nodes from the scene by manipulation of the relationships between the nodes. Also note that in this lab we will employ multiple shaders such that some nodes will be illuminated by lighting while others will be texture mapped.

Getting Started

Download, saving it into the CS370-Fall2022 directory.

Double-click on and extract the contents of the archive into a subdirectory called CS370_Lab14

Open CLion, select CS370-Fall2022 from the main screen (you may need to close any open projects), and open the CMakeLists.txt file in this directory (not the one in the CS370_Lab14 subdirectory). Uncomment the line

	add_subdirectory("CS370_Lab14" "CS370_Lab14/bin")

Finally, select Reload changes which should build the project and add it to the dropdown menu at the top of the IDE window.


Download, saving it into the CS370-Fall2022 directory.

Double-click on and extract the contents of the archive into a subdirectory called CS370_Lab14_Solution

Open CLion, select CS370-Fall2022 from the main screen (you may need to close any open projects), and open the CMakeLists.txt file in this directory (not the one in the CS370_Lab14_Solution subdirectory). Uncomment the line

	add_subdirectory("CS370_Lab14_Solution" "CS370_Lab14_Solution/bin")

Finally, select Reload changes which should build the project and add it to the dropdown menu at the top of the IDE window.

Scene Graph Nodes

For the tree structure we will be using a child/sibling tree structure. The base node structure contains (among other things) two transformation matrices, pointers to connecting nodes, and an abstract draw method as follows:

    // Object properties
    vmath::mat4 BaseTransform;
	vmath::mat4 ModelTransform;
	BaseNode *Sibling;
	BaseNode *Child;

    virtual void draw(vmath::mat4 proj, vmath::mat4 cam, vmath::mat4 trans) = 0;

The BaseTransform will be the static transformation of the template object, e.g. scaling, and the ModelTransform will be the dynamic transformation that will include positioning relative to the parent node as well as any changing local transformations, e.g. variable rotation. The draw() method will take three matrices, proj which is the projection matrix, cam which is the camera matrix, and trans which is the parent’s dynamic transformation matrix.

Subclasses of BaseNode will then create specific implementations for different rendering mechanisms adding any additional fields and providing a concrete implementation of the draw() method. For example, MatNode will render objects using lighting and thus will have fields for the normals, lights, and materials to use in the draw() method. The subclass nodes also include various setter methods for these additional fields.

Note: For efficiency, the nodes only store references to the various buffer objects such that the same buffer data can be used by similar nodes.

For this lab we will be constructing a simple robot with a circular base, a single lower arm, and two upper arms along with a separate spinning Earth sphere.

Robot Picture

A diagram for the robot as a scene graph would be

Robot Diagram

Note: Whenever a node does not have a child or sibling, its corresponding field should be set to NULL. A more general technique would be to dynamically allocate nodes as needed, i.e. similar to maintaining a linked-list, when the number of objects in the scene is variable (e.g. projectiles).

To help build different types of nodes, two utility functions are provided which take care of storing references to all the corresponding shader information.

To create a node that is rendered with lighting and materials:

void build_lighting_node(MatNode& node, GLuint obj, GLuint material, GLboolean transparent, mat4 base_trans);

where node is a reference to the node to create, obj is a constant from the VAO_IDs enum specifying the type of object geometry, material is a constant from the MaterialNames enum specifying the material to use, transparent is a boolean specifying whether or not the object uses transparency, and base_trans is a mat4 specifying the node’s base transformation.

To create a node that is rendered with texture mapping:

void build_texture_node(TexNode& node, GLuint obj, GLuint texture, mat4 base_trans);

where node is a reference to the node to create, obj is a constant from the VAO_IDs enum specifying the type of object geometry, texture is a constant from the Textures enum specifying the texture to use, and base_trans is a mat4 specifying the node’s base transformation.

After the node is created, we can use the .set_update_transform() method for the node to specify it’s update transform and the .attach_nodes() method to specify the child and sibling references.

So for example for the base node (assuming it is MatNode base that is a Cylinder using RedPlastic without transparency and a lower arm child node named MatNode lower_arm) could be created as follows

    build_lighting_node(base, Cylinder, RedPlastic, false, scale(vec3(BASE_RADIUS, BASE_HEIGHT, BASE_RADIUS)));
    base.set_update_transform(rotate(theta, vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));
    base.attach_nodes(&lower_arm, NULL);


Set empty node pointers to NULL and remember to use & to pass the address of a connecting node in the attach_node methods.

Local Transformation Updates

Once we have created the scene graph structure by setting the various node fields, we need to set the dynamic local update transformations for each node to locate it relative to its parent using the set_update_transform() method inherited from the base class.

Note: We will need to call this method again whenever the local transformation needs updating, e.g. during animation or user input.


Rendering the Scene Graph

Finally we can render the scene by simply traversing the tree in a depth-first fashion starting at a root node using the traversal routine traverse_scene_graph() given by

void traverse_scene_graph(BaseNode *node, mat4 baseTransform) {
    mat4 model_matrix;

    // Stop when at bottom of branch
    if (node == NULL) {

    // Apply local transformation and render
    model_matrix = baseTransform*node->ModelTransform;

    node->draw(proj_matrix, camera_matrix, model_matrix);

    // Recurse vertically if possible (depth-first)
    if (node->Child != NULL) {
        traverse_scene_graph(node->Child, model_matrix);

    // Remove local transformation and recurse horizontal
    if (node->Sibling != NULL) {
        traverse_scene_graph(node->Sibling, baseTransform);


Adding Other Objects to a Scene Graph

To place additional independent objects into a scene graph, we can simply make them siblings of the root node.


Compiling and running the program

You should be able to build and run the program by selecting robotGraph from the dropdown menu and clicking the small green arrow towards the right of the top toolbar.

At this point you should see a robot with a spinning textured earth. You can manipulate the robot using a,d to rotate the base, w,s to rotate the lower arm, n,m ,. to rotate the left/right upper arms, and spacebar to toggle the spotlight. Note: Adjusting the robot does not affect the earth.

Robot Scene Graph Window

To quit the program simply close the window.

Congratulations, you have now written an application using a scene graph.

Next we will investigate how to add shadows into our scenes using a multipass rendering technique.