Due: See Assignment Schedule

This is a Team assignment. Create proposal documents in Google Docs so that team members can work collaboratively.


There are three tasks which are part of this assignment.


Your first task is to develop an initial proposal for your team’s project. Your team must demonstrate that there will be design and implementation of a substantial software system.

Your team should then write a 2-4 page report describing your chosen/assigned task(s) both for the project and individual team members. In order to properly define your team’s work, you will need to arrange meetings and hold conversations with your clients, as well as familiarize yourself with the current state of the project through previous team members if it is a continuation from a prior year.

Your team project proposal report should include the following information:

Use drawings, block diagrams, wire frames, screen captures, as appropriate, to convey this information clearly.

Please Talk To Your Instructor[s]!

You are strongly encouraged to meet with your instructor[s] to discuss project ideas before you submit your formal project proposal.

Set up a GitHub repository with appropriate folder structure.

Your second task is to create a main repository for your project on GitHub.

You should add all of your team members as contributors to the repository. Also, add the instructors to the repository.

In the issue tracker for the main repository, create three labels:

Your team may add additional labels as desired.

Set up your computing environment

Your third task is for each team member to set up a computing environment with the hardware and software they will need for the project. If this is a continuation of a prior project, you should have the current application code base up and runnning on each of your development PCs.

You may use the physical space and computing equipment in KEC118 as you see fit. Please be considerate of the needs of other teams, and please try to keep the environment neat and well-organized.

Please note that you are NOT required to use one of the provided lab PCs: you can use your own laptop, if you would prefer. There will be weekly status meetings and milestone presentations in KEC 119, so you’ll need to be able to transport your work to that room for demonstration purposes.



To submit, place your proposal report in the team’s shared Google doc folder.