Due: Wednesday, Jan 24th by 11:59 PM

Your Task

In this assignment you will propose the project you or your group will work on for the semester. You will also set up a repository and issue tracker, and document the requirements you plan to address for Milestone 1.


There are three deliverables.

Proposal description

Using Google Docs, write a short (2-3 page) proposal describing your project. Describe what problem is it intended to solve, who are the users, what languages/frameworks/technologies do you plan to use, etc. Use diagrams as appropriate (e.g., user interface sketches.)

Important: Please discuss your project idea with at least one of the instructors before you write the proposal. We will give you feedback on whether your idea is sufficiently interesting and feasible.

Repository and issue tracker

Set up a repository (e.g., on Github or Bitbucket) and an issue tracker. In your proposal document, include a link to the repository.

Requirements for Milestone 1

Use your issue tracker to document the requirements that you plan to address in Milestone 1. Each requirement should be a single issue, written in the form of a user story or use case, with a reasonable amount of detail. In your issue tracker, create a milestone for Milestone 1 and associate your issues with it. (Both Github’s and Bitbucket’s issue trackers support milestones.)


Share your proposal document with both instructors (djhake2@ycp.edu and dhovemey@ycp.edu), granting write permission.