In CS370 we used GLUT to handle the window management for our OpenGL programs. DirectX provides a similar utility toolkit known as DXUT which provides similar window management functionality along with some additional features such as mesh loading capabilities. However aside from simple demonstration programs, DXUT is not generally used for actual DirectX programs. To best understand the inner workings of DirectX, we will forgo DXUT and instead write a basic DirectX application framework that we can extend as needed throughout the course. While this (and the next) lab will not produce a program that does anything, it will create the base application class that we will use in future programs. This base class is derived from the D3DApp class from our textbook Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11 by Frank Luna.

0. Getting Started

Open Visual Studio 2013 through Start -> All Programs -> Programming -> Visual Studio 2013.

On the start page select New Project..., expand the Visual C++ tab if necessary, select the General category, and choose Empty Project.

Name the project CS470_Lab01 and click OK (make sure the checkbox labelled Create directory for solution is checked).

Visual Studio should create a project for you that contains no files as we will be manually adding everything.

First we will include all the files from the Common directory. Right click in the solution explorer on the CS470_Lab01 and select Add->New Filter and rename the filter Common. Then right click Common and select Add->Existing Item.... Navigate to the Common directory from lab0, select all the .h and .cpp files except for d3dApp.h and d3dApp.cpp as we will be creating these two files.

Next we need to configure the properties for the project. Select Project->CS470_Lab01 Properties which should bring up the property sheets for the program, expand the Configuration Properties tab. Select General and switch the Character Set to Use Unicode Character Set.

Next, we will need to tell Visual Studio where the DirectX 11 headers and libraries are (from the SDK) as well as link the DirectX libraries into our project.

Select VC++ Directories, select Include Directories, click the arrow at the end of the row, and select <Edit...>. When the dialog box opens, select the first icon at the top (which looks like the icon to add a new folder) which should add a new line into the text box. Add the following paths (use the up/down arrows to arrange them in the specified order):

C:"path to whereever Luna's Common folder is"

Select VC++ Directories, select Library Directories, click the arrow at the end of the row, and select <Edit...>. When the dialog box opens, select the first icon at the top (which looks like the icon to add a new folder) which should add a new line into the text box. Add the following paths (use the up/down arrows to arrange them in the specified order):

C:"path to wherever Luna's Common folder is"

Finally we need to link against the DirectX libraries. Expand the Linker tab and choose Input. Then edit the Additional Dependencies field to add the following libraries:


1. D3DApp Declaration

In C++, class declarations are usually placed in header files with the method definitions in the source file. We will follow this convention in this course.

Create a new header file (right click the Header Files folder and select Add->New Item... making sure to choose Header File (.h)) named D3DApp.h.

Add the following lines to the file

#ifndef D3DAPP_H
#define D3DAPP_H

// Includes
#include "d3dUtil.h"
#include <string>

// Class declaration
class D3DApp
    // Attributes

    // Methods


#endif  // D3DAPP_H

which includes the necessary header files and creates the (empty) class where the attributes will be protected and the methods will be public. Note: The #ifndef simply ensures the header file is only included once in the project.

At this point we are ready to add the class attributes (variables) in the protected section. Note that by convention, class attributes begin with m. The following set of attributes will store information about the window

HINSTANCE       mhAppInst;
HWND            mhMainWnd;
bool            mMinimized;
bool            mMaximized;
bool            mResizing;
UINT            m4xMsaaQuality;
std::wstring    mMainWndCaption;
int             mClientWidth;
int             mClientHeight;
bool            mEnable4xMsaa;

The next set of attributes will store pointers to the various DirectX COM objects and other information for DirectX

D3D_DRIVER_TYPE         md3dDriverType;
ID3D11Device*           md3dDevice;
ID3D11DeviceContext*    md3dImmediateContext;
IDXGISwapChain*         mSwapChain;
ID3D11Texture2D*        mDepthStencilBuffer;
ID3D11RenderTargetView* mRenderTargetView;
ID3D11DepthStencilView* mDepthStencilView;
D3D11_VIEWPORT          mScreenViewport;

The methods will be added to the public section of the class. The first set of methods will be the class constructor/destructor.

D3DApp(HINSTANCE hInstance);
virtual ~D3DApp();

The next method will start the DirectX application

int Run();

The next two methods will simply be for initialization of the window and Direct3D

bool InitMainWindow();
bool InitDirect3D();

Finally the last set of methods are for the DirectX framework (note again they are all virtual and thus should be overridden in any derived subclasses with UpdateScene() DrawScene() required to be overridden).

virtual bool Init();
virtual void OnResize();
virtual void UpdateScene(float dt)=0;
virtual void DrawScene()=0;
virtual LRESULT MsgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

The first of these methods will initialize the window and DirectX, the second method will be called when the window is resized, the third and fourth methods will update the object states and render them in the scene, and the final method is the message handler for the application.

Finally we will add two getter methods for the window instance variables and the aspect ratio of the screen

// Getter methods
HINSTANCE   AppInst() const;
HWND        MainWnd() const;
float       AspectRatio() const; 

This class will serve as the base class for any DirectX application and thus most of the work will be done in the overridden methods in the derived subclasses.

2. D3DApp Definition (partial)

As discussed above, the class definition will go into the source file.

Create a new source file (right click the Source Files folder and select Add->New Item... making sure to choose Source File (.cpp)) named D3DApp.cpp.

Add the following code to the source file:

// Include class declaration
#include "D3DApp.h"

// Window message handler callback
    // Local pointer variable for forwarding messages
    D3DApp* gd3dApp = 0;

    // Forward any messages
    return gd3dApp->MsgProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);

// Class methods


The constructor will simply set initial values to create an 800x600 window, use the graphics hardware device, set the COM pointers to null, make the clear color blue, and disable multisampling.

// Constructor
D3DApp::D3DApp(HINSTANCE hInstance)
    // Window attributes
    mhAppInst       = hInstance;
    mMinimized      = false;
    mMaximized      = false;
    mResizing       = false;
    m4xMsaaQuality  = 0;
    mMainWndCaption = L"D3D10 Application";
    mhMainWnd       = 0;
    mClientWidth    = 800;
    mClientHeight   = 600;

    // DirectX attributes
    md3dDriverType       = D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE;
    md3dDevice           = 0;
    md3dImmediateContext = 0;
    mSwapChain           = 0;
    mDepthStencilBuffer  = 0;
    mRenderTargetView    = 0;
    mDepthStencilView    = 0;
    ZeroMemory(&mScreenViewport, sizeof(D3D11_VIEWPORT));

    // Set local pointer to this application for message handling
    gd3dApp = this;


The destructor simply releases all the COM objects (using a utility macro defined in d3dUtil.h).

// Destructor
    // Release D3D COM objects

    if (md3dImmediateContext)


Other Methods

We will forego completing the other class methods (except the getters) until the next lab. For now we will simply put stubs in place.

// Execute application
int D3DApp::Run()
    MSG msg = {0};

    return (int)msg.wParam;

bool D3DApp::InitMainWindow()
    return true;

bool D3DApp::InitDirect3D()
    return true;

// Initialization
bool D3DApp::Init()
    return true;

// Resize
void D3DApp::OnResize()
    // Check objects are not null

// Message Handler
LRESULT D3DApp::MsgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    return 0;

// Getter methods
HINSTANCE D3DApp::AppInst() const
    return mhAppInst;

HWND D3DApp::MainWnd() const
    return mhMainWnd;

float D3DApp::AspectRatio() const
    return static_cast<float>(mClientWidth) / (mClientHeight);

3. Test Application

Similar to standard C programs which require a main() function, Windows programs require a function named WinMain(). In our programs, we will simply subclass D3DApp to add a WinMain() function and override the various methods in D3DApp to create the scene.

Create a new source file (right click the Source Files folder and select Add->New Item... making sure to choose Source File (.cpp)) named D3DTestApp.cpp.

// Include base class declaration
#include "D3DApp.h"

// Subclass declaration
class D3DTestApp : public D3DApp

    // Overriden methods
    bool Init();
    void OnResize();
    void UpdateScene(float dt);
    void DrawScene();

// Class methods
D3DTestApp::D3DTestApp(HINSTANCE hInstance) : D3DApp(hInstance)


bool D3DTestApp::Init()
    // Simply use base class initializer
    if (!D3DApp::Init())
        return false;

    return true;

void D3DTestApp::OnResize()
    // Simply use base class resize

void D3DTestApp::UpdateScene(float dt)

void D3DTestApp::DrawScene()

// Windows main function
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE prevInstance, PSTR cmdLine, int showCmd)
    // Add some debug flags if debugging
#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)

    // Instantiate application object
    D3DTestApp theApp(hInstance);

    // Initialize the application
    if (!theApp.Init())
        return 0;

    // Execute the application
    return theApp.Run();

4. Compiling and running the program

Once you have completed typing in the code, you can build the program in one of two ways:

At this point the program should compile without warnings or errors and will simply exit when executed.

Next time we'll complete the definition of the D3DApp class to produce a blank window (for DirectX 11).