Getting started

As always, you may refer to Lab 1 if you need a reminder about how to start the Cygwin Terminal or Notepad++.

Begin by downloading Save the zip file in the H:\CS101 directory.

Start the Cygwin Terminal and run the following commands:

cd h:
cd CS101
cd CS101_Lab16

Start the Notepad++ text editor. Use it to open the file


You can compile the program using the make command, and run the program using the command


Your Task

Your task is to design and implement the following functions:

Function name Description
roundToNearest100 given an integer value, returns the same integer rounded to the nearest multiple of 100: e.g., 137 would round down to 100, 153 would round up to 200, etc.
isOdd given an integer value, returns true if the integer is odd, and false if it is even
poly given a number x (which is not necessarily an integer), returns the value of 3x2 + 6x + 12
celsiusToFahrenheit given a temperature t in Celsius (not necessarily an integer), return the equivalent temperature in Fahrenheit, which is (t × 9/5) + 32

Part 1: Design

For each function, create a design artifact, including input (parameters) and output (return value). Discuss your design with your neighbors. Did you agree on what parameters and parameter data types are needed? Did you agree on the return type?

Part 2: Implementation and Testing

For each function, add a prototype and function definition to the program.

To test a function, add at least four assertions to the main function. An assertion tests a function by calling the function with hard-coded values, and verifies that the correct result is returned.

An example function called addInts is provided, along with several test assertions.

When you run the program, it will print

All tests passed!

if all of the tests succeed. Otherwise, you will see a message about a failed assertion. This means that either the function returned the wrong value, or the test is incorrect.


The bool type is appropriate for representing the values true and false.

A good way to specify an expected value for a function that does a numeric computation is to specify the expected value as the same computation on whatever hard-coded value or values were passed to the function. For example, to test the celsiusToFahrenheit function, you might specify the assertion as

assert(celsiusToFahrenheit(49.5) == ((49.5 * 9.0) / 5.0) + 32.0);


When you are done, run the following command from the Cygwin bash shell:

make submit

You will be prompted for your Marmoset username and password, which you should have received by email. Note that your password will not appear on the screen.