Due: See Assignment Schedule

This is a Team assignment.

Project Proposal

Your main task this semester is to complete a semester-long team software project. Your task in this assignment is to form your team and decide what your project will be.

In a 3-4 page document, describe the following:

Who are your team members? You must have at least 3 but not more than 4.

Briefly describe the system your team will create. Please note the following important requirements:

  1. The system must be a web application, meaning that the user interface must be web-based.
  2. The system must store persistent data in a database.
  3. The system must be awesome when it is completed.

Be ambitious. The goal of this course is to learn how to design and build complex software. I do not expect that you will necessarily complete 100% of what you propose.

In your description of the system, include sketches of what the user interface will look like.

What language(s) and programming environment will you use? My strong recommendation is to use Java and Eclipse, using Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs). It is likely that you will end up using client-side JavaScript (JS), but we will NOT be covering that topic in this course. JavaScript will provide a great opportunity for slef-learning. I also strongly discourage attempting to implement a game (except for those included in the project suggestions), as previous history has shown that game development for this class has a low-rate (<5% chance) of success (creating an interesting, playable game).

I strongly recommend that you discuss your idea with me before you submit your proposal.

Here is the template for your Team Project Proposal. Download the template document, modify it, as necessary, and follow the submission instructions below.


Have one team member create a Google Team Drive folder named “CS320-Sp22-Team-www-xxx-yyy-zzz”, replacing “www-xxx-yyy-zzz” with the YCP user names of the members of your project team, in alphabetical order. Share the Team Drive and all of its folders and contents with your team and me.

This folder will be your means of submission for all non-programming-related team assignments.

Then create your Team Project Proposal in that folder, using Google Docs. Name your Project Proposal document assign01-www-xxx-yyy-zzz, again substituting the YCP user names of your project team members, in alphabetical order.

Important: Only submissions in Google Docs will be accepted. Do not submit a document in any other format!