This page lists the assignments.

Note: For team assignments, only one team member should submit the assignment.

Assignment Type Due
Assignment 1: Team Project Proposal Team SUnday, 2-13-22, by 7:00am (Google Doc)
Assignment 2: Individual Project Proposal Individual Sunday, 2-6-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 3: Team Project Milestones Team Multiple (see description)
Assignment 4: Individual Project Milestones Individual Multiple (see description)
Assignment 5: Use Cases Team Wednesday, 3-2-22, by 7:00am (Google Doc)
Assignment 6: Problem Domain Analysis Team Sunday, 3-13-22, by 7:00am (Google Doc)
Assignment 11: Team Project Midterm Self / Peer Evaluation Individual Tuesday, 3-29-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 4: Individual Project Final Demo Individual Monday, 4-4-22 (in class)
Assignment 9: Individual Project Report Individual Tuesday, 4-5-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 8: Team Project Technical Report Team Saturday, 5-7-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 10: Team Project Reflection Individual Sunday, 5-8-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 11: Final Team Project Self / Peer Evaluation Individual Sunday, 5-8-22, by 7:00am (PDF in Marmoset)
Assignment 8: Team Project Final Presentation and Demo (Section 101) Team Monday, 5-9-20, from 8:00am to 10:00am (during Final Exam Period)
Assignment 8: Team Project Final Presentation and Demo (Section 103) Team Monday, 5-9-20, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm (during Final Exam Period)
Assignment 8: Team Project Final Presentation and Demo (Section 102) Team Wednesday, 5-11-22, from 10:15am to 12:15pm (during Final Exam Period)