Due: See Assignment Schedule

This is an Individual assignment.

Individual Project

Software development is a vast and rapidly-changing field. Almost any substantial project will require you to learn about new technologies, which could include programming languages, libraries, databases, etc. Being able to learn new technologies on your own and use them effectively in a project is an essential skill for a software developer.

Your task in this assignment is to propose an individual project you will work on this semester that involves one or more technologies related to software development that will be a new learning experience for you.

Some possible examples:

These are just examples: I encourage you to be creative and think of something that interests you personally. The most important requirement is that you should learn something new and exciting for you!


The project should be smaller in scope than your team project: the purpose is more to learn something new than to create a substantial software system. However, your project must be non-trivial: the system you create should do something interesting.

Proposal Format

Your proposal should be 2-3 pages, and contain the following information:

Here is the template for your Individual Project Proposal. Download the template document, modify it, as necessary, and follow the submission instructions below.


Name your Project Proposal document assign02-username, again substituting your YCP user name. Submit the report to Marmoset under Assign02: Individual Project Proposal. Use only PDF format: do NOT upload a Microsoft Word or rich text document.

Important: Your Project Proposal must be submitted in PDF format. Submissions in any other format may receive a grade of 0.