CS 340: Resources
This page has links to some useful resources for the course.
Create and test finite automata and Turing Machines.
- Download: JFLAP.jar
- Website: http://jflap.org
Test regular expressions by checking strings and determing whether two regular expresisons are equivalent.
- Download: regexToolkit.jar
- Website: https://github.com/daveho/RegexToolkit
RegexToolkit is a slightly improved version of regexChecker.jar and regexEquivalenceChecker.jar from Lab 1.
Run it as follows:
To test whether strings are accepted or rejected by a regular expression, run the command
java -jar regexToolkit.jar check
To test whether two regular expressions are equivalent, run the command
java -jar regexToolkit.jar equiv
Clojure resources
- ClojureDocs.org has documentation and examples for the built-in Clojure functions